
145 11 4

{your pov}

I'm screwed. How could we forget?!

The whole plan was to distract them with it, but apparently that wasn't even needed!

"(Y/n)? Something wrong?" Tyler asks as he smirks. Shit. Does he know?

I try to act cool. Which, of course I fail at that.

"I-it's nothing," I say, trying to make my voice sound less shaky.

Tyler raises an eyebrow and elbows Sean. They chuckle. It's as if they like to see me like this.

I look at them.

"Hm?" Tyler asks again.

I look away. Standing up, I walk to the stairs. No one stops me until I am almost at my room.

A hand grabs my shoulder.

"Not so fast, missy. . ." Tyler now stands in front of me.

My eyes grow wide. I swallow something.

"W-what?" I manage to speak out.

"Where do you think you're going, huh?" Sean appears from behind me.

"My room, if that wasn't obvious."

They chuckle, "well, well, well. But don't you think you've spent enough time in your room already?" Tyler smirks.

If he know I swear to god.

"How 'bout ya spent some time with us?" Sean has this grin on his face that I do not trust.

"Maybe some other time. I was eh- going to clean my room, actually," I say walking passed them. I grab the doorknob and I'm about to turn it, when Sean grabs my hand, stopping me.

"Let me put it like this then: you are going to spent time with us. . ." It's as if his eyes grow darker when he says it. It creeps me out.

Sean drags me with him further down the hallway. Tyler walking ahead, looking for others, I think.

I hear someone on the stairs. It's as if he's running. Wait-

"Sean? Tyler?" It's Mark. He's calling them.

I want to scream. Tell him I'm here. But for some reason, nothing comes out.

They're almost at the end of the hallway, when they stop. There's nothing here. They look at the wall in front of us. I look to my left and right. All I see are some doors to some rooms. But those are empty.

Mark calls again, "hello?! Guys?"

I need to let him know I'm here, but how. How do you do that when you can't talk?!

Tyler and Sean eye each other and back up for a bit. We are now standing a few meters away from the wall.

I look at Sean. He doesn't look back, but I can tell he knows I'm looking by the grin on his face that just grows wider and wider.

Another call from Mark, "guys! Sean! Tyler! C'mon!"

It's now or never. If I don't, I-

"(Y/n)?!" Ethan! Oh, shit! This is the opposite of what I wanted.

I hear Marks voice. He says something. I guess he's talking to Ethan. . .

Well, if that's already screwed, then there's no harm if I-

A huge scream escapes my mouth. It's not just a scream, no. I'm calling someone's name.

I need him.

I immediately hear thumping sounds coming our way: they're running.

Tyler and Sean take a print to the wall, dragging me with them.

I close my eyes, afraid of what's to come next.

A loud thud can be heard and then it's silent. Except our breathing.

I open my eyes again, but it doesn't make a big difference; it's dark.

A light flashes on. I now see where we are. It's a weird looking room, not really a color anywhere. Not that that's weird, since all the other rooms are grey anyway.

What's weird about it is that's it's totally empty, except for a cage, which creeps me out.

I look at the guys in front of me.

"D-did we just go through that fucking wall?!" I'm getting my voice back. Nice.

"No. There's a door there and it never really opens smoothly," Tyler says.

"You always have to-" Sean is interrupted by a loud thud on the wall.

Faint screams can be heard from the other side.

"(Y/n)!!!" I hear my name, but it's so faint, I can't make out who it is.

Sean grunts. He eyes me, "if you wouldn't have screamed, this would've happened!"

Oh now he notices that I screamed.

"Why didn't you just tell me so shut up when I actually screamed?! Huh? Why-"

"We're screwed, Sean-"

"No! I'm not giving up this easy."

He points to the cage in the corner of the room. Then looks at me.

I raise an eyebrow. I try to look tough, but on the inside? I swear to god, I'm terrified.

"Get. In." His voice is serious.

I cross my arms and shake my head, like a little kid. I notice I'm shaking. Great.

"You deaf? He said, get. In!" Tyler grabs my upper arm when I still refuse to obey and just throws me in there.

"Let me out!" I scream, but nothing helps.

"Enjoy your stay. . ." Sean's voice sounds deeper. I hate that.

They walk away, leaving me there. Alone.

I hope Ethan heard me.

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