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{your pov}

"Well?" I was getting more and more impatient. I need to know this.

I could see him hesitate. I wish he wouldn't have done that.

The door swung open and Bob stood there, a big smile across his face.

"Guys! We're gonna play a game with everyone. Care to come along?"

Trying to act as though nothing had just happened, I smiled at him and nodded. "I would love to!"

He didn't wait for Ethan to respond. He closed the door again and walked away.

I gave Ethan a look. A pretty mean one. I swear my eyes were spitting fire.

"Better luck next time!" He joked and then scooted off. He didn't close the door, knowing I would follow him to the living room.

I sighed. Why? This was all going so fast. First you're running in the woods, trying to get away from zombies. Then you're in a weird building trying to figure out things about the people there. People that you don't even know!

That's ridiculous.

I shake my head and stand up. Let's just get some distraction for a while.

Walking into the living room everything is already set. It's supposed to be some sort of gaming night I guess. Even though it's just in the afternoon.

"Ey!" I hear Sean say behind me. He's carrying a plate with snacks to the table.

I put my hand up to wave at him, but don't say anything.

"Why so silent? You don't fancy a thing like this?" He puts an arm around me.

I shrug, "meh. I'm not really used to it. And everything is going so fast, you know."

"Fast?" He doesn't get it.

"Yeah. Like, a few days ago I was lost in the woods. Running from zombies. And now I'm here. And we're all acting like there's no threat. Like nothing's out there. Like-"

"Shh, (y/n)." Signe walks around the corner. "It's okay. I know it's strange, yes. But you'll be fine. Things are moving fast, but have you thought about the 'why'?"

"The 'why'?"

"Mhm. Why things are moving so fast. Maybe it's for the better." She smiles and leaves the room again. I think she's going to the kitchen for more snack or so.

I sigh and hop on the couch. Not long after Mark sits next to me. Pretty close. Feeling a little uncomfortable, I scoot away a bit.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I shrug, "I guess."

He smiles, "Signe told me you said things are moving fast, huh?"

"Mhm." I'm not into this talking right now.

"Why?" Why? Did he really just ask that? Man, I have to explain legit everything to these people, don't I? Wait, how old were they again? Oh yeah, right. 27.

"I already told people. You can ask them.. I'm not really into talking about this right now. Can't we just start this already?"

"If you say so. And we have to wait for Amy. She's looking for more survivors. She'll be back soon." He stands up and walks to what I think is the bathroom.

Amy? Looking for survivors? Alone? Why would Mark accept that. You would think that in a relationship the guys are like super protective and stuff. Hm. I guess I was wrong?

Still. It doesn't seem right. I-

"(Y/n)! We're starting!" Wade calls me over.

Everyone is sitting around the table. I don't know what they want to do, but it looks funny. At every seat is a little card. Whatever they want to do with it, I'm in for some games!

But wait- where's Amy? 

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