I (don't) need your help (anymore)

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Okay sooooooooo,
Judging by the title, you guys prooooobably know what this is about: Le me needs your help! :3

Let me explain what for:

In the next chapter that I'm writing, I need ideas as to what kind of animals fit Bob and Wade.

It has to be based on their character, hair color, you name it.

So, give me an animal, and (i know this is gonna sound stupid) describe it.

I will pick out the ones I like best and the peeps will get a shoutout :3

I normally don't do that (much), but I figured this would be funny Lolol XD

Good luck! ^-^

And already thanks for helping! :D

(I will delete this chapter after this ehh- contest (?))


I will not delete this, but I will say that this thingy is closed~ thanks to all of you who left a comment behind, all of them were really inspiring and good, so thanks a lot! I really appreciate it! ♥️

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