
223 15 1

{your pov}

I can't sleep.
I'm thinking about the decision I made an hour ago.    
Was it smart?
Of course it was. This way I'll keep him safe. This way I'll-
No. It wasn't smart at all. I'm only bringing him right into danger. And-
"Okay, stop!" I cover my mouth with both my hands. I'm overthinking so much that I forget Ethan laying right next to me. He groans, but doesn't wake up.

I lay back on my back again.

This all can't be.

I close my eyes and drift off asleep. Dreaming of god knows what.

When I wake up, Ethan's taking a shower. I hear the water run as I open my eyes and try to sit up. I yawn and stretch and jump out of bed.

I'm about to change when I realize where my clothes are: the bathroom. I look over at the door. It's not locked. I could just cover my eyes, go in for a split second and run back out.

I roll my eyes. And knock the door.

No answer.

I knock again.

"Yeah?" I hear Ethan yell from under the shower.

"Can I come in? My clothes are there. I'll cover my eyes."


I hesitated before opening the door. I close my eyes with one hand and try to feel where I am with the other.

It's not that easy.

I hear Ethan chuckle as the water keeps falling from my left. He's there too. That means I have to go right. Right.

"Is it funny?" I ask, my hand sticking out in front of me, feeling the environment.

"Uh-huh. Very. You can look if you want, I don't care."

This stops me. What? Why doesn't he- you know, flip it. I'm sick of walking like a zombie with my hand in front of me. I'll look.

I take my hand away from my eyes. Luckily, my back is facing the shower so I don't directly look at him.

It takes me a few seconds to find my clothes. I take them and shuffle back out, my back facing Ethan with every step I take. Step? With every ehm.. shuffle.

"Thanks!" I yell at him before closing the door. I get dressed and sit on my bed. I look at the clock on my nightstand: 8:12am. It takes at least half an hour before breakfast. Time for some thinking.

How could I possibly keep Ethan here without them getting suspicious? I mean, I know I said that I was the innocent girl. But still- they'll know after some time, right? Right. So that means I have to find a solution. I have to build something maybe? Didn't I have a big walk-in closet?

I stand up from where I was sitting. The water has stopped running and I hear Ethan sing under his breath in the bathroom. I chuckle and walk over to the closet.

I open it. I was right, it's a walk-in closet. Which means, I can keep him here, right?

Just some smell-proof things on the walls. You know, those things they stick on the wall? Sound-proof thingies? But then smell-proof? Does that even exist?

I shake my head; of course not. Still- I have to find a solution. I can build a sort of little room here, but that wouldn't be enough. They can't smell him, that'd be fatal.

Ethan comes out of the bathroom, still singing. It's like he doesn't even notice I'm here.

"Ethan?" I ask walking over to him.

"M-hm?" He doesn't turn around to look at me, he just goes on with what he's doing. Which I'm not sure what he's doing.

"I have an idea. You can live in the walk-in closet. I'll build something so that it looks like a normal closet. And-" he stops me.

"The smell, (y/n). They can still smell me."

"That's what's killing me too. I don't know how to get rid of that. I thought of something 'smell-proof', but does that even exist?"

He turns around and nods, very casual, as if it's the most normal thing in the world; smell-proof. "Of course!"

"Well then-" he stops me again. Man, can't he just let me finish?

"My room is on the other side of yours, correct?" Correct? Wow.

I nod.

"Well, we'll break that wall in between and make it seem like two separate normal closets!"

A smile creeps on my face, "Ethan, that's an awesome idea!" I have to resist the urge to hug him.

"(Y/n)?! Who are you talking to?!" We hear someone scream from the outside of the room. We give each other a look.


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