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{your pov}

Ethan swallows something. He nods slowly.

"But they had you already," Mark states. He's right.

A few moments of silence pass. Mark is done searching around and sits next to me and Ethan on the bed.

"And?" I ask.

Mark shakes his head, "nothing gone."


"So what now-"

"Where did you lock them up?" I ask, accidentally interrupting Ethan. "Sorry-" I whisper.

Ethan nods as Mark answers, "secret room. There's a lotta secret rooms in this building."


I stand up, turn around to face the boys.

"What?" They say as the raise an eyebrow.

"I want to-" I can't even finish my sentence.

Amy rushes in, a worried look on her face.

I jolt around, "Amy?! What's wrong?!"

She's totally out of breath. I want to lead her to the bed to sit down, but she refuses.

"I-it's Felix!"

"Felix?!" Mark practically falls off the bed.

"What's with him?" Ethan stands up as well.

"He- he's in the damn building!" Amy catches her breath a bit. "Don't stand there! Come and help!" She screams with a stern voice. She points a finger to Mark, "forget what we said about not changing. Change. Now."

She rushes to my bathroom and closes the door behind her.

I'm so confused that I can't think straight. Mark sighs, "we'll explain. You need to help, we need all the strength we can get," he turns to Ethan, "you need to change too. Everyone already knows, so there's no point hiding it."

Ethan nods.

In less then a minute Ethan has turned pixie. It looks terrifying at first, but it's not too bad.

To my opinion a zombie looks worse.

Mark starts taking off his shirt and pants. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What? I need to change so-"

"Get in the closet."

He nods and disappears there.

Amy comes out of the bathroom. My eyes widen at the sight of her.

It sounds stupid, but she's beautiful!

Pretty soft, yellow skin.
A slightly brighter yellow as hair color, which fades from blonde to bright yellow, with slightly brown roots visible.
Two bright neon blue eyes.
Two bright red, glowing, antennas popping out of her head.
Black leather outfit, with here and there the color blue visible.
She's an alien.

She winks at me, "I'll wait for you guys."

I nod.

Mark comes out of the closet. Well- Mark?

Two big bright amber-colored eyes.
Big paws (or claws).
Black fur.

A wolf you, might think? No, no.

He's a panther.

"Alright, come on!" Even Amy's voice is beautiful. It doesn't sound human, still, though, there's this human touch to it.

Ethan takes my hand. I shock, but give in.

It feels weird. He has these abnormal hands. Like claws.

We rush down the hallway.
Down the stairs.

Until we come into the living room.

We come to a stop.

"He's been here-" Amy mentions. It's not too difficult to see that. The whole room is a mess.

"Where is he now?" I whisper.

Mark sniffs and signs something to Amy, "kitchen," she says.

We tiptoe to the kitchen. There, we can see a zombie Felix searching around the kitchen. He growls.

I accidentally trip over something, causing me to fall.

This draws Felix' attention.


Felix is faster then we expected.

Amy and Ethan help me get up while Mark stands in front of us, protecting us.

I get up and try to run. As far as you can do that with only one foot to stand on.

I sprained my ankle. Darn it.

We reach a weird room and Amy opens it. Everyone goes in. Amy locks the door.

"Where are Signe and such?" I ask.

"We need to get them here."


"Zombies may seem weak, but they're not." Amy explains.

"Alright. . . So-"

"I'm going out." Ethan turns around to grab the doorknob.

"Ethan, no." Amy stops him, "we need to do this together. You're strong Ethan," she says, "you don't know your own strength."

They make eye contact. Then Ethan nods and relaxes.

I think for a bit. I can't think clear, since I'm constantly interrupted by slams on the door.

Felix is right there. This door isn't going to last forever.

"What if Mark goes?" I ask.

He tilts his head.

"You're fast, strong. You can go get the others, right?"

Amy thinks about it.

Then she nods, "if you're okay with that, Mark?"

He nods.

Amy opens the door for him to get out. He jolts passed Felix and we shut the door again.

The slamming stops, Felix has gone after Mark.

"Okay," I start, "all that's left to do is wait for the other. . . Right?"

Amy nods, "we'll see what we can do from there."

Me and Ethan nod.

We sit there, waiting. It feels as though a whole hour has gone by, when Mark finally comes back.

He scratches the door with his claws.

Amy opens the door.

Mark immediately jolts in, followed by what I assume are Signe, Kathryn, Bob and Bob.

They don't all look like their normal, human form. . .

// yesh, UPDATEEEEH XDDD okay but just for yer info, maayyybe I'll change Amy's appearance at some point.. cuz idk if I'm hundred percent happy with it.. same goes with Mark..
anywho, hope y'all enjoyed :3 //

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