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{no one's pov}

Everyone's sitting in a circle. Some on the couch, some on chairs and some on the ground.

"They know something," Sean says, looking around.

"We don't know that yet. . ." Signe tries to convince everyone that there's still a chance of hope. However, she more trying to convince herself.

Sean shakes his head. "I do know that, Signe. Tyler said he heard them talk."

"Who? The new one?" Kathryn asks.

Sean nods, "(y/n) and Ethan." He clears his throat. Why? Who knows. "Ethan's the one who knows more, though. He just told her everything I think."

They share some looks. It's silent for a moment. Then Mark starts talking.

"They are not the only one who knows more. . ."

"Huh?" Amy asks confused, "and with that you mean. . ?"

"I mean that I know more as well."

She still doesn't get it. She shakes her head and shrugs. So do some of the others.

Mark sighs, "I know more about them."

Now they get it. Finally. . .

"What do you know then?" Bob asks. He's sitting on the couch next to Mark.

"Ethan's not what he looks like, but I think we all got that."

They nod.

"Well, I think I know what he is. . ."

Bob raises an eyebrow, "and that may be?"

"Okay, do you guys ever randomly smell Dove soap?"

They give each other looks, but do agree they smelled it sometimes. At really random moments.

"Well, have you though why?"

They shake their heads. Except for one: Sean.

"I have," he says.

"Well, why don't you tell us, then?" Mark insists.

"He might be-"

Tyler stomps into the room, dragging (y/n) with him. He looks angry.

All the attention switches from Sean to Tyler and (y/n).

"What's going on?!" Wade says confused. 

"You explain, new one. . !"

"I- I. . . I can't. . ." The words seem stuck in her mouth.

"Just what I though. I'll explain. She was talking with someone in her room, but denies she did. I know it was Ethan!"

"Wow, wow, wow. Tyler, calm down. Is that it?" Mark walks over to Tyler and sits him down.
(Y/n) just stands there, uncomfortable and not knowing what to do.

"We were just talking about 'you know who', so it's better to just leave this all and talk this out tomorrow," Mark half says half whispers.

Tyler nods, "okay."

"I'll get (y/n) back to her room," Signe says, standing up, "you must be tired, not?"

I shake my head, "I just woke up. I was waiting for breakfast. I was really not talking to someone. . . I- I always talk to myself. I have always done that and-"

"Shh," Signe stops her, "it's okay. I'll get you back. Hey! You know what?"

"No, what?"

"We'll organize a lady's night some day! We can do make-up, chit-chat and all sorts of stuff!"

(Y/n) nods, "that'd be awesome!!"

"Alright, that's a deal then. Now, I'll be back when breakfast is ready, okay?"

"Yup. See ya then!"

(Y/n) walks into her room and locks the door behind her.

"Pfff. . . That was a close one."

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