
131 8 3

{your pov}

I'm just sitting here. In a damn cage with nothing around me.

It's getting cold.

I shiver.

I haven't heard anything from the outside anymore since Tyler and Sean walked away.

I close my eyes. I have no clue what to do next.

There's not much to do anyway. Everything is screwed. They know Ethan's here, they-

A loud thump is heard from the outside. It scares me out of my thoughts. My head jolts up and immediately faces the "door" in the wall.

More thumping. Faint notices can be heard from behind it.

It's someone calling.

I can hear my name.

My eyes widen.



Not only Ethan. . .

Mark too!

I stand up in the cage and start screaming back, "Guys! Ethan! Mark!"

The thumping stops. There's silence for a moment. Then the guys start screaming again.

"(Y/n)! You there?!"

"Mark! Ethan! You have to push open the little door in the wall!"

I'm surprised they get what I say immediately. They start bashing the door. At least- they try to.

It goes on like that for a while when finally the damn thing gives in.

The boys tumble into the empty room.

I jolt up from where I was sitting, a big smile of relief and joy plastered on my face.


Ethan gets up right away. He rushes over to me.

"(Y/n). . . What happened?"

"Get me out of here first," I respond. I'm too scared that Sean and Tyler might come back.

What even happened to them? Where'd they go?

Ethan gets the cage open and without even thinking about it I fly in his arms.

He shocks but gives into the hug.

"Let's get the hell out of here before they come back," I say ready to go, but Mark stops me.

I give him a confused look and raise on eyebrow.

"They won't," is all he says before letting me go again.

"Why not?" I ask curious.

"We'll explain," is all he says.

I nod. "Okay, let's go," I say. The boys follow my moves.

I kick open the door and rush down the hallway. I have no clue why I am walking this fast, or where I'm going.

Ethan stops me when we reach my room.

He lays his hand on my shoulder. I turn around to face him.

"We could talk here, if you want?" Ethan says point to the door to my room.

"That way the others won't hear or get suspicious," Mark adds.

I nod and walk in.

Only one step into my room, I stop. My eyes widen and my mouth falls open.

I look around my room in disbelief. This can't be!

I turn around to Mark and Ethan.

"You told me Sean and Tyler wouldn't come back?"

"Er- yes. We locked them up."

"Why?" Ethan looks over my shoulder into my room.

His eyes widen as well. He mouths the words 'what the fuck', but remains silent.

"My room is totally wrecked!" I scream. Shit. I didn't mean to scream. I put my hand in front of my mouth. "I'm sorry-"

"(Y/n), it's okay." Mark looks at me.
He looks into the room too. But Mark does not remain silent. He rushes passed me into the room and starts putting things back into place.

Ethan and I look at each other as to say 'what is he doing?'.

"Mark?" He doesn't respond.
I try again.
"Mark? Why are you doing that?"

"To see if they didn't take anything with them."

"You said you locked the two up?" I enter the room and sit on my bed. My eyes are following Marks movements. Geez that guy is fast.

"Yes, but they could've searched in here before that." Ethan follows me into the room, closing the door behind him.

I nod.

"But- they were searching for you, right?" I ask Ethan as he sits next to me.

Mark is still inspecting every inch of my room. I roll my eyes and draw my attention to Ethan again.

He seems to think for a second. Mark stops what he's doing, looks up at me with a puzzled face.

"You're right. . ." He finally says, "he was indeed looking for Ethan."

Ethan raises an eyebrow, "so why were they here then?"

I sigh.

Then something comes to mind: "didn't you say you needed something, Ethan?"


"The only reason you're still here is because you need something." I try to make it clear for him, but he still gives me a puzzled look.

"That something being me."

//have this short update~ thanks for your understanding guys :3 I really appreciate you being here.. ^-^ //

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