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{your pov}

He shakes his head. "You still don't get it?"

Now I shake my head. Of course I don't get it. "No," I simply say.

He looks at me in what I think is a disappointed way; which I don't get as I'm really confused. And he knows this darn well.

"Gold pixie dust," he repeats.

I stare, but soon realize he expects me to say something. Or at least make a move. So I shake my head, signing that I still don't get what he means.

He sighs, "gold pixie dust. That's what some pixies leave behind."

"And what kind of pixies?"

The answer surprises me: "kings," he simply says. As casual as he possibly can. My eyes widen.

"Excuse me?" I say.

"You heard me, kings."

"So- so that means that you-" he finishes my sentence for me.

"Are a king? Yes," he says, turning his focus from the door to me.

"Are kings different from quote-unquote 'normal' pixies?"

"Eh- not really. They're stronger and leave gold dust behind, I think that's all. At least- all I can think of right now; I'm still pretty young so-"

I look at the ground, frowning. He's a king. My roommate (sort of) is a king. A flipping pixie king. Right. And this all Is actually happening. Right. I'm not imagining things.

There's silence for a few moments. Than Ethan speaks again.

"Can I ask you a question?"

I nod, "of course."

"Do you-" Ethan stops mid sentence, cut off by knocking on the door. Yet again. I'm getting sick of this, really.

"Breakfast is ready!" We hear scream from the other side of the door. It's Signe. She did said she would call when breakfast was ready, but what a good timing does everyone have here.

"I'm coming!" I yell back. Then I whisper to Ethan: "I'll bring some food with me for you as well."

He nods and signs for me to go. I do. He hides in the closet as soon as I open the door; smart move.

"So, tell me," Signe begins, "how'd you sleep?"

It's around 10:23am and now she wants to ask me how I slept? Well then. Plus, I'm not into small-talk.

"Pretty good. The bed's really comfortable."

She nods, "that's good!"

When we arrive at the kitchen, everyone already is sitting at their places. Everyone at their own seats.
When we take a seat as well, I immediately notice the empty seat where Ethan once sat. It's so empty. It's almost like I miss him, even though he's right upstairs in my room.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Sean reaches and gives my shoulder a slight punch; like 'bro's' do.

I chuckle, "hi."

"How's it going?" They ask.

"Hungry," I simply answer.

They laugh at my response and then start eating. I shrug and begin as well.

After all of them being done we still sit at the table. They're all waiting for me to finish. I'm doing this on purpose, though; eating (extra) slow. That way I hope to take a lot of food with me for Ethan.

"I'm sorry," Mark says, standing up," this is taking forever and I promised I would go and look for survivors. Is it okay if I-" he doesn't have to finish his sentence as I nod.

"Yes, yes, sorry that I'm taking so long. You can all leave if you want to."

They look at each other but then soon agree to leave.

"Not trying to be rude or anything," Kathryn begins. She leans at my chair a bit, smiling politely," but I need to accompany Mark. Normally I do the dishes- at least it's my chore today- but I wanted to ask if you could take my place?"

"Sure!" I say with my mouth half full.

"Great! Thanks a lot!" And she's gone. Just like the others.

Okay let's check again:
-Mark and Kathryn are looking for survivors; they won't bother me.
- Amy is in the lookout room, just in case.
-Tyler and Sean. . . I believe they're in the living room, chit-chatting; probably about me and Ethan.
-Bob and Wade. . .

I look around me. I don't see them. Maybe they're in their room? Or-
Just like that Bob walks in and sits next to Tyler on the couch, joining the chit-chat session. I hear him say that Wade joined Amy in the lookout.

Alright then, that's no big deal. I just need to sneak by those three and done!

I grab as much food as I can carry; putting it in plastic baggies, and tiptoe to the stairs. Once I'm there I listen closely if no ones there and then rush- as quiet as possible- up the stairs.

I knock on the door with my foot, because my hands are too full. I do need to hurry cause what if they see me? I'll be dead.

Ethan opens the door and I rush in, dropping all the food on the bed.

"There," I say out of breath; my endurance is so bad.

Ethan smiles and shakes his head, "you're crazy, you know that?"

I chuckle. Then I remember he wanted to ask me a question before breakfast.

"Ethan?" I ask.


"What was that question you wanted to ask before breakfast?"

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