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Ethan gives me a comforting smile, combined with a nod.

"Do you want to... Ehm... prepare yourself?" He asks. He hasn't let go of my arm yet.

"How could I prepare?" I give him a question back.

He shrugs, "no clue."

"Just turn me," I say, looking into his hazel eyes. How can one not drown in those?

Oh, gosh, I'm getting cheesy-

No, (y/n), he's just going to turn you pixie. It's not like you're gonna make out or something, get yourself together, geez!

"You know how it works?" Ethan asks, I think just to be sure.

I shake my head, "tell me?"

He swallows something, "I have to kiss you..."

I take a deep breath, trying not to freak out. Although, I'm panicking internally.

He is going to kiss me. Crap.

"Alright." I'm trying to remain calm as I sit in a more comfortable position on the bed.

"You still sure?" He asks. His expression got quite worried just now. I think he notices my panic.

I nod, "turn me."

It all seems to go in slow motion from there. I see him inhale; slowly. And exhale; slowly. He nods to himself. Then looks at me, a comforting and genuine smile on his lips.

I smile back.

It all feels so weird. And so familiar at the same time.

He comes closer. And closer.

Closes his eyes.

Comes even closer.

Until our lips touch. And the world seems to slowly fade away. Like a candle melting. Or like paint slowly dripping from its canvas. Until it's gone, completely faded, and it's just the two of us, our lips moving in sync. Tongues dancing together. Hearts beating fast. Adrenaline rushing though me as we heat the kiss. (Is that even necessary-?)

Is this the feeling of turning pixie, or the feeling of falling in love...?

I start to feel light-headed.

I'm turning. This is it. Good-bye to the human me.

My head is spinning and I start to feel dizzy. So dizzy, it's making me nauseous, almost making me throw up.

A huge pain shouts through my body. I can't explain how it feels, it's a weird kind of pain. I think I cringed before I hear my voice screaming in the distance.

I don't feel Ethan's lips again mine anymore. The last thing I know is a faint touch on my cheek, the sound of the door being crushed open and people screaming in what seemed the distance.

Then it's all black.

In the time I'm out, I'm dreaming.

It's almost like I'm dead, and this what happens to the people who go to heaven or Hell. Or something else, I don't know everything about the all the different mythologies.

Still, though, I know I'm not dead and this is just what happens when people turn, right? They black out and start dreaming. Right?

I'm walking though the forest. It's getting dark and I seem to be lost.

"(Y/n)..." I hear someone whisper my name.

I look around me, try to listen for it, but all I hear are the sounds of woods: birds, the leaves of the trees rustling in the wind and the faint sound of animals. Furthermore? Nothing.

I keep walking in god knows what direction, until I hear it again.

"(Y/n)...." it's a faint whisper, almost like the wind, "come to me, (y/n)..."

The hairs in my neck and arms stand up straight. I shiver.

What is this...?

It all seems so cliché. Someone whispering your damn name in the woods.

The immediate question forming in your head: 'who (or what) is whispering?'.

Are you supposed to follow? Or run away? Or maybe stand still, do nothing at all, wait calmly for it to go away?

How cliché this situation might be, it's scaring me nevertheless, and it has me confused as to what to do, how to handle it. Every logical thought I had, is washed away by this flood of fear.

I take a deep breath, close my eyes and try to find the 'on' switch to my brain. Try to repair my train of thoughts and get it running again.

I focus on my breathing. It's unsteady.






My eyes jolt open as I feel something touch my shoulder.

Frozen with fear, my breathing, which was almost steady just a second ago, is now staggering. I start to feel light-headed again, and almost faint.

My fingers have curled and turned my hand into a fist, clenching onto something. That something being nothing...

I hear footsteps behind me. They walk around me, until they stop. A figure stands in front of me. It's blurry. Or is that my vision pulling tricks on me?

I blink.

Regaining my eyesight, I see a man, just a little taller than I am, standing in front of me, his arm resting on my shoulder. The corners of his mouth moved up into a slight smile.

"(Y/n)," he says. I get it, he knows my name. Perhaps he's obsessed with me? Or he just likes my name, or just likes to say it?

I blink a few times again.

I recognize him... He seems so familiar.

I gasp.

Like a rock hitting a window and breaking it into thousand pieces, something hits me.

"Dad...?" I say.

The corners of his mouth move up more, widening his smile, making his eyes squint and his nose scrunch up just the tiniest of bits.

I hate it.

I hate every bit of this dream.

Why can't I wake up?

// whooo boi~ two updates in such a short period of time? :O
I'm sorry hehe XD hope you're still enjoying~? :3 //

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