
182 9 1

{your pov}

Ethan and I have been thinking for the last two hours and seriously nothing has come to my mind. We need to find a way to get all the others out of the building, which is a good plan, but also very difficult. However, it might be the only option.

"Hey we could- nah. . " still thinking, Ethan sits up. He's frowning and I'm pretty sure he's got a headache by now. So do I, if I'm honest.

"Wait- what if we pretend that there's a malfunction somewhere in the co control room- if they have that here- and say that there's a survivor out somewhere?"

Ethan looks at me, "that's not a bad idea, really. They do have a control room as they have a lot of technological stuff for the defense and everything. But it's such advanced technology, that they'll never believe you. Plus, how do know from the control room? They'll get suspicious, don't you think?"

I think about his words. Yes, that's a good comment. They probably will get suspicious which is not good. But what do we do then?

"Well- do you know where the control room is?" I als Ethan. Ethan stands up and turns around, facing me.

He nods, "m-hm, I do. Why?"

"I can sabotage something there. Then they'll have to believe me and -hopefully- won't get suspicious."

Ethan thinks about it. He frowns some more, which I begin to think that his face is stuck in that position; he'll have a headache forever.

"You could do that. But- ever though about the cameras? They're everywhere in that room."

Fuck. Didn't think about that. We'll have to find a way do destroy those first then. But how are we going to do that?!

"We have to destroy the cameras. Which means that we have yet another problem." I say covering my face with my hands. This all is getting so frustrating.

"M-hm," Ethan begins, "and I think I know how to do that."

My face jolts up. With bright, big eyes I look at Ethan and say, "how?!"

"We have to stay out of sight of the things. Then when we are close enough, we can put something in front of it- without destroying the cameras they will more likely think that it was an actual malfunction. If we do destroy the cams, they might think that someone actually sabotaged it. We can put like a piece of clothing in front of it. Plus, they're not always in the quote-unquote 'camera room', so that will hopefully be a little easier."

I simply nod at his words. He's a really good thinker; I appreciate that.

"Let's get going then!" I practically scream. Ethan immediately puts a hand over my mouth, silencing me.

"You crazy?! They might hear us!" He whispers.

I yank myself out of his grip and stand in front of him.

"Let's get going then!" I repeat in a whisper tone.

He chuckles, "you really are crazy."

I smile and look around the room for something useful.

Ethan notices and says, "we can use my clothing if you'd want? I mean, I have enough."

I smile and nod, "that'd be awesome, Ethan!"

I sneak to his room and get some pieces of clothing. I have no clue what I grabbed, but it's useful so I don't really care.

I throw them on the bed.

It's silent for a moment.

"Hey-" Ethan suddenly says, "now that I'm thinking of it, there are more differences between 'normal' pixies and kings."

I raise an eyebrow; where does this come from? Still, I decide to not care and just play along.

"Yeah? Tell me."

"Kings can also fly. And they can jump really high."

I nod, "cool."

"Oh and- have you ever seen a pixie? When it has turned?" Ethan asks.

I shake my head, "don't think so. Why?"

"They don't look very friendly. Their skin is a blue-ish grey and their eyes are black as the night. They have sharp claws and razor sharp teeth."

I nod again, "hm, okay."

"What's wrong, (y/n)?" He asks.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. I'm just- lost in thoughts."


We sit there in silence for some more. It's not uncomfortable, but it's just- silent.

Then I speak, "so, when are we going on this mission?"

Ethan thinks for a second before saying, "now."

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