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// oohhhhh now it's coming peeps XDDD //

{your pov}

He hesitates. I can see it.

"You are hesitating," I was going to tell him but then he continues.

"I'm something people are afraid of. People try to harm my species because they thing we can only do evil. That's not true, however. " he swallows something. So hard, I can see it.

"Just tell me what you are," I say.

He turns his head to look me straight in the eyes.

"I am-" again. Right before he can even say a thing, there just HAS to be someone to interrupt. Someone knocks on the door. It's more like this particular person is slamming their fists into the door.

"The closet!" I whisper scream at Ethan again.

He rushes over there and I quickly open the door, trying not to look too suspicious.

Tyler stands there again. A slightly angry look on his face this time.

"Yes?" I say as casual as possible.

"Where's Ethan?" he demands.

My eyes widen a bit.

"What?" I ask trying to sound innocent.

Tyler completely ignores me and screams into my room: "come out of there Ethan! I know you're in here!"

"What the heck are you doing?" I ask Tyler as if I still don't know what he's talking about.

He eyes me. "Give him to me," he demands again. He growls. It's almost inhuman-like. I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Don't give me that look, missy. You know what I'm talking about."

"How do you even know he's here? He could be anywhere in this darn building. Why come to me and-"

"Ssh. I just know he's here. I- I ehh- heard you talking."

"How?" I ask. My eyebrow is still up.

"You two were talking," he simply says.

"What were we talking about?" I cross my arms over my chest and lean casually lean against the door post. My one eyebrow still up in the air.

"Well- "

"Just what I though. He's not here, Tyler. Now shoo. Go on with your gaming-night. I'm going to bed. Good night." I close the door before he can even blink. I lock it and sigh a deep sigh.

"Man, we have to make these walls soundproof or something," I say to myself.
From the closet I hear Ethan whisper. "Is it safe yet?"

I open the door for him. "Uh-huh." I let myself fall on the bed and close my eyes for a sec. When I open them again, Ethan sits next to me on the bed.

"How did Tyler know that you were here?" I ask.

"They can smell me, I think."

Inhuman // Crankgameplays //Where stories live. Discover now