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{your pov}

My eyes widen. I turn my head to look at Mark, but soon realize he isn't here either.

Turning my head to Bob, panic fills my stomach.

"Where's Mark and Amy?" My panicky voice is obvious. Too obvious.

Bob tilts his head a bit, looking confused. "Didn't he tell you?"

Tell me? Tell me what? What do I not know? A better question would be: why am I so worried? Is it because the things are moving so fast? The stress is getting to me? I don't know.

"What?" I simply ask.

Bob and Tyler look at each other for a split second. Which makes me think.

I raise an eyebrow.

"What is it?" I ask again.

Bob looks at me again, "he and Amy are out to look for survivors." He says.

"He and Amy? I know Amy was out, but Mark was just here?"

"Yeah. They Uhm-" in the middle of his sentence he gets cut off by the door which swings open. Amy rushes in. But- no Mark.

"Amy! What is it?!" Kathryn rushed over to her.

Amy can barely catch her breath as Kathryn sits her down on the couch. "Get her a glass of water!"

Ethan quickly rolls over to the kitchen and gets back with a glass of water in hand. "Here." He says as he hands her the water.

Amy gladly drinks it. Catching her breath again.

"Amy? Can you tell us what's wrong..?" Kathryn asks as she sits down next to her.

"I-I.." she begins but the words seem stuck in her throat.

"Amy, calm down it's okay." Signe sits on the other side of her.

Amy nods, inhales and exhales. "I- I was in the woods, looking for survivors when I saw something. It didn't look like one of u-"

Signe cuts her off, "perhaps we should continue this conversation alone. In our bedroom. You guys begin the game and stuff. We'll talk to Amy."

And just like that, they're gone.

"What was that?" I ask as we sit down at the table again.

"What?" They ask. Are they really that stupid? Seriously, I'm 15. They're at least five years older than I am. Most of them are even older. Wow.

"That. What just happened. What was that? I mean, she didn't mention Mark."

The boys look at each other. Except Ethan. Hm..

"Yeah well he's eh-"

I cut them off cause I really don't need this right now. If they're gonna lie about this, at least have a good lie in store. This is just pathetic.
"Stop. Let's just play."

I roll the dice as I sigh. I need to figure out what's going on here.

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