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I turn my head to look at him, "Ehm, yeah-?"

"I would like to explain to you why exactly I need you, if you would allow?" He says as he lets out a nervous sigh.

"Of course, Ethan. I'd honestly love to hear why. Go ahead," I say, curiosity building up inside me.

"So," he begins, "I'll start with telling you that there is an apocalypse coming. Or better said, one of the two is already happening. Zombies are demolishing everything on their paths, as you have noticed. However, that is not the only apocalypse that will happen."

He takes a breath to rethink what's best to say next. I buy him a little time by asking a question.

"How do you know this all?"


"Where did you get all that information?"

"Oh, Ehm- I'll tell that later, but for now," he clears his throat, a sign that he wants to continue his story.

"Go on," I say.

He nods, "so, there's a zombie apocalypse, but there is something else coming as well. Something that has to do with pixies. With me. The pixies will have to fight together to put a stop to this apocalypse. But, unfortunately, that's easier said than done."

"How come?" I ask to show my interest and to show that I'm still listening.

Ethan, who has been looking at the ground and everything but me, looks up and answers, "because not all pixies, well, 'like' each other, let's say. And most of us are quite evil."

With this I get worried. 'Most of us'? What about Ethan himself? How can I possibly know if he's not one of those evil pixies?

Ethan continues. "Now, me alone can get a pretty long way, as my kingdom I quite large. And-"

I stop him, "kingdom?"

"Oh yes, I haven't told you, have I?"

I shake my head, "I believe not."

"I'm a king," he simply says.

A king?! Ethan?!

"What does that mean?" I ask, getting even more curious.

"That means that I'm more powerful than other pixies. And I have a kingdom. It comes with various more advantages, though."

"More powerful as in?"

"I'm stronger than the others. That is, at least, if I have a queen. If I would have a queen by my side, I would be even more powerful."

The puzzle pieces slowly fit together.

"So your point is?" I ask him, already knowing the answer.

"That I need you. I need you to be my queen, (y/n). Because there is something you don't seem to know about yourself. You are special. Special, powerful blood is coursing through your veins."

My eyes widen at his words. Am I? How come I never knew this? And how do I know he's telling the truth?

"How do I know you're not lying to me?" I ask him. He lets out a sigh.

"Because I'm not lying, (y/n), I mean it. This is pretty serious business."

"Then explain in what way I'm special?"

"Alright. You have special blood coursing through your veins, (y/n). Pixie blood, to be precise. You're a halfling."

A halfling? Really now?

"From who's side?" I ask, assuming he knows the answer. Which is actually ridiculous, judging by the fact that he barely even knows me.

Still, he gives me the answer: "from your dads."

My eyes widen, "he was a pixie?!"

Ethan nods, "he was a king as well. A really strong one. And quite famous, actually."

I take a moment to take it all in. It's pretty much information for such a short amount of time. I now know things I never knew about my family.

Finally Ethan says, "If you want to be my queen, I will have to turn you."

I turn my head to look at him, "you mean I will have to turn pixie?" I ask.

He nods again.

I sigh.

"But if I want to, you say?"

"Mhm. But perhaps you don't need to want it. Perhaps it's inevitable."

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