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"What will it be like?" I ask him, looking straight into his eyes, "to turn pixie?"

I think he can see that I'm doubting it. But doubting it in a good way, rather than bad. Since I had a solid 'no' in my head at first.

"I hate to say it," Ethan starts, "but it hurts. And you will probably be out for a couple of hours, if not days."

I nod, lower my head, look at my lap where my hands are fiddling with each other and close my eyes. I need to really think about this.

"There's no turning back, is there?" I ask without looking up, or even opening my eyes.

"No," is all I hear from Ethan.

There's a silence between us. Quite a long silence, but it's not awkward. It's comforting. I can think without being interrupted by anything and everything. My train of thoughts just rushes on.

Finally, after around ten minutes or so, I break the silence. "You will hear my answer after dinner," I say as I stand up and walk to the door.

"You coming?"

Ethan nods and follows me out the room, down the stairs and into the dining room.

"What are we eating guys?" Ethan chirps.

"Pizza!" I hear Amy say from the kitchen.
She walks in with two pizzas in hand. "It's the easiest thing for now. We're all very tired and I think we all go straight to bed after this," she says and puts the plates on the table. The two pizzas are already cut into six slices.

As everyone has taken place, we all take one or two slices and start eating. No one really says a thing, besides a couple compliments for the food- even though it's literally just warmed up in the damn oven.

More than two or three slices, no one really ate. We all weren't hungry, I guess.

A little panic attack started to build up inside me at the thought that I still had to answer Ethan's question after this. Better said, in about five minutes...


Maybe I shouldn't have told him, he'd get his answer after dinner. Perhaps I should've told him that he'd get his answer in a day or two-?

Too late for those thoughts.

Nevertheless, I should have talked about it with the others. To ask them for advice, but again, that's too late now.

From next to me, I hear Ethan's voice, "you ready, (y/n)?"

"I am," I say, but in reality I'm scared as hell and the exact opposite of what I said.

"Shall we go then?" He asks and is already standing up.

I simply nod and follow his moves.

"Where are you guys going?" Mark asks as he picks up a couple of plates from the table. "Aren't you helping?"

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry," I say. Thank god, that buys me some time.

We clean the table and even help with the dishes.

All this extra time, and still no clear answer has formed itself in my head.

"Good, that's about everything," Bob states and walks out the kitchen to the hall, "good night everyone! I'm tired as fuck. I suggest you go to bed soon as well." And he's gone.

We call a 'good night' to him and all leave too.

I enter my room, Ethan close behind me. He closes the door as I sit on the bed and get into my pj's. Fuck the fact that Ethan sees that.

"So...?" I hear his voice behind me.

I turn around and see he too, is changing into his pj's.

"So?" I repeat his question.

"Have you thought about it?"

I fiddle with my hands; I still don't have a clear answer. Fuck.

"Well-," I start, but then I say something that is probably really stupid, "I'm gonna take a shower."

Really, (y/n)? What the fuck. That's really the only thing you could think of? Really?!

"Oh," Ethan says, "that's alright. I'll be in bed then. I'll wait for you."

He jumps on the bed as I enter the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself. My skin is tingling. It's a weird feeling I've always ignored. I don't know if I ever even said it out loud-or have I?-, but ever since I came here, I've been getting that weird feeling. It's like the feeling you get when your foot or leg or arm or something, has been 'asleep' and is now waking up again. It tingles then. Just like my skin now.

I take a closer look at myself and notice that my freckles have switched from color. They are not the shade of orange they always were. They are- they are- blue?!

I stagger backwards and fall at the sight of my freckles being blue. Bright, fucking, blue!

Ethan apparently heard me falling, because he's at the door, screaming my name, asking if everything's okay.

"Yes! Yes, I'm fine, don't worry!" I shout back in response.

I decide to open the door and get out. I will shower another time, flip it.

Ethans eyes meet mine. "(Y/n), what's wrong-?" He asks, but then notices himself. "Y-your freckles-" he says.

I nod, "I know."


I shrug and walk to the bed, keeping my worried expression.

"Gah, if my skin could stop tingling-!" I scratch at my arms, in some sort of desperate act to get the weird feeling away. It's only been getting worse.

"What is it?" I head Ethan say as he sits besides me on the bed.

"My skin is tingling. I have no clue what it is."

"(Y/n)," Ethan says and takes my hand, preventing me from scratching more, "it's because of me."

My eyes widen, "you?! How-?"

"And because of your blood. I think..." he doesn't finish what he wants to say.

"You think?" I say, expecting an answer, "what?"

"That I need to turn you."

I sigh. Think for a split second, and then say the probably most simple word that exists. This simple word, however, is going to change my life. For good.


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