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{your pov}

I put my hand in front of my mouth.

No. This isn't happening. Felix, he-

Ethan stands next to me.

"Why?" I manage to speak out. I notice I'm crying. Why am I crying? I didn't even know him.

Ethan shrugs, "no clue." He's not ignorant. He just doesn't know what to say. I get him.

Ethan walks away and sits on the bed. A sigh escapes his lips.

I just stand there. By the window. Watching in horror as Felix lays on the ground. Zombies surround him. Bite him. Tear him apart. Turn him.

They detached all his body parts and are now trying to eat them, I think.

No- he's actually turning. I see his eyes grow dark as he stands up again. One arm and half a leg missing. Wounds all over him. Blood.

I can't look away, as much as I want to.

Ethan notices and drags me away from the window.

"Don't look. You'll get nightmares."

I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. Maybe I'm just dreaming?

Maybe if I wake up, Felix is just laying on the mattress next to my bed, sleeping.

But I know that's not true.

"Why would someone commit to that?" Ethan asks.

"I don't know he- he did say that he lost his girlfriend in the woods."

"Did he want to look for her?"

I shake my head, "he wouldn't find her."

Ethan doesn't get it, "why? Because he ran too far away?"

"No. She got eaten by zombies, Ethan. She's dead."

"So, he wanted to commit suicide because he wanted to be with her again?"

I nod, "I guess?"

"But- did they turn her? Since he's turned he's not completely dead."

I shrug, "he did say that."

He sighs again.

"Ignore Felix."

"What?" I'm confused by this.

"Ignore him. We have bigger things to focus on. I know it sounds rude and all but-"

"No. You're right."

A moment of silence passes.

"I can't stand it," I say.

"Can't stand what? That the author is putting in unnecessary silences every time?"

"No, but that's indeed really irritating," //sorry XD// "but what I meant to say was, I can't stand the fact that I don't know exactly what's going on. I mean, I know what you are and I know why they don't like you. But- there's something I don't get."

He cocks his head, "and that is?"

"The fact that I don't know why you need me, why they want us away and-"

"Stop." He stops me.

I look at him with a confused expression.


"Stop. You're overthinking. Give it some time and I'll tell you why I need you, okay? And for the rest- just try to focus on us-"

I raise an eyebrow.

"Okay, that sounds selfish and weird, sorry."

I chuckle, "I get what you mean."

I smile at him.

It's a forced one, but at least I manage to do it.

"So. . . You should probably tell them that Felix is gone, right?"

I nod, "Ill do that right now."

I stand up from the bed. And open the door. One more glance at Ethan and I'm walking down the stairs. He didn't try to stop me.

I sigh as I reach the last step.

Everyone is sitting in the living room. Some on the couch, some on a chair and some on the ground.


Their attention goes from the television to me. They were watching the news. Which- I'm surprised that's still going.

"What is it, (y/n)?" Signe asks as she sees my worried face.

"Here," Amy pats on the ground next to her, "sit."

I sit next to her on the ground and take a deep breath.

"It's Felix. . ." I say.

"What's with him?" Sean suddenly seems interested.

"He's- dead. He asked if he could sleep in my room yesterday, and I agreed. So after dinner we went to bed to sleep. And this morning he wasn't in his bed so I looked around."

"How do you know he's dead?" Tyler asks.

"Because I saw the window was open and-"

Sean chuckles, "yeah, sure. The windows open and then you know he's dead. M-hm good job, Sherlock."

"Sean!" Signe barks, eyeing him.

Sean rolls his eyes.

"I went to look out the window and saw he was being eaten by zombies- well, they actually turned him."

Sean and Tyler scoff.

Signe again eyes them a mean look, "guys, stop it!"

"I saw him turn. . ." I say. I'm not trying to act like a drama-queen or something, it's just a horrible sight. Seeing someone being eaten and turned by zombies.

Amy puts a hand on my shoulder, "shh, it's okay. . ."

I shake my head. Okay, okay, I have to admit, I'm kind of exaggerating right now.

"It is, (y/n). Believe me. It's going to be just fine, okay?" Signe sits next to me.

I nod, smile at them and then say, "I need some distraction, but- I thought it would be better to go look if they're not coming too close?" I suggest.

They eye each other, "maybe she's right. But we have a pretty good defense."

My eyes widen, "shit," I say under my breath.


The malfunction. . .

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