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{your pov}

"Okay, hold on," I say as we're sitting on my bed again after I showered, "you're not human. They can smell you. What?"

"Okay, yes and yes, but let me explain," Ethan says, laying on his back.

"Okay, explain," I say.

Every time Ethan's going to tell me, someone interrupts, so I hope that he can just be quick this time and hurry the frick up.

"Okay. You sure you still want to know this..? I mean, you're not going to freak out or something?"

"No. I won't. Just tell me, Ethan." I sigh. He does too.

"I'm pixie." The words sway in the air. I don't know what to say. A pixie? But- they're cute right? I mean, tinker bell is one and- no. He said people were afraid of his species. Why?

"You're catching flies," Ethan suddenly says. I notice my mouth hanging open; I must've been staring.

"Sorry I-"

"It's okay. I knew you were going to react like this in some sort of way." His eyes are focused on the door when he talks to me.

"But-" I begin, but he cuts me off.

"I know, (y/n). You're confused, probably. But-" I cut him off this time.

"Yeah, but why are you still here. Who or what are they to dislike you this much. Why don't you just go?"

"I already told you, there's something I need here." His eyes are now focused on mine.

I'm confused. I can't quite speak. No words come out, they're all stuck in my throat. He needs something here. I want to know what but he told me that I would freak out. Why is that? I'm not scared. I'm flipping 15 years old and I'm all alone anyway. I have nothing to lose, really.

"What is it you need here?" I ask.

He sighs, "you don't want to know. At least- not right now."

"Not right now?" My voice I full of confusion, but really it's not that bad. By accident I always exaggerate a lot.

"M-hm. Not right now. Maybe some other time because- no. Never mind," he says looking at the floor. I don't get it. Why doesn't he want me to know? Does it have to do something with me?

"I want to know Ethan." My voice is stable, for the first time since we started this conversation.

He sighs again, "you sure?"

I nod, "yes, I'm sure."

"Fine," he says, looking me straight in the eyes again, "I need you."

Inhuman // Crankgameplays //Where stories live. Discover now