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{Ethan's pov}

(Y/n) has just gone out. I'm here sort of shaking; I'm pretty nervous, I have to admit.

But now that she's gone I have to head out to the control room. I take a deep breath and get all the clothes I need to put in front of the cameras and then I'm gone.

I tiptoe to the third floor.

There I look around and listen very closely if there's no one close to me.

That's another benefit of being pixie: your hearing ability is way better than the one normal humans have.

After a split second of listening I take a right to the control room. It's locked with a code, but fortunately I have this particular code.

Not that they gave me this. I just- have my ways.

Maybe that's one of the reasons why they didn't trust me in the first place. . .

I tick in the 6 digit code, listen one more time and then walk in.

It's an enormous room with nothing more than technology. Wires everywhere; which means enough choice for me.

Though, I need to watch out as there are cameras around every single corner.

I look for them and spot one above my head. Great. Quickly i throw a shirt over it. Good, one down, who knows how many to go.

I tiptoe around the room and look around for cameras. Every time I see one I throw a piece of clothing over it.

Now there's only one piece of clothing left, which, surprisingly, it's one of my boxers. How did (y/n) manage to grab that?! Anyway, I hope that there's only one cam lest as well.

I frantically look around for this-hopefully- last cam. After a minute or two, I find it. I jump and quickly throw it over it. As much as I now wanted to relax, I can't. As I'm not sure if there's more cams and still need to create a 'malfunction'.

I look around some more. Luckily for me, I find nothing else which means I can go ahead and cut some wires.

I look for the perfect wire and when I find it, something stupid comes to mind: I don't have any scissors.

But wait- I do have razor sharp teeth. That'll do.

I change and just hope this will work out well.

I snap the wire with my teeth, smiling at the piece of broken wire in front of me.

Good now another one.

And another.

I've cut about 10 wires when I finally go back. I tiptoe back and lock the door behind me.

When I'm back in (y/n)'s room I can relax for a bit. Now all left to do is wait for her to get back.

I hope I don't have to wait too long as my patience is about zero.

I look out the window and notice someone running towards the building: (y/n).

I try to sign her from the window that she needs to climb up.

She shakes her head, signing me she's not capable of doing that.

I sigh and climb out the window, landing perfectly beside her.

As I look at her her eyes grow wide and her mouth forms an 'o' shape. I raise an eyebrow at her, "what?"

"Y-you. . "

Then I realize: I'm still in my pixie form.

"Oh, sorry, wait. . ." I turn around and change. It's not difficult.

"Better?" I ask as I'm in my human form again.

She sighs, "much. Now how do we get up there?"

I grab her by the waist, which she doesn't really appreciate.

"What the-" however she's cut off by me shooting in in the air and landing perfectly on the window. I quickly throw her inside on her bed and get in myself as well, closing the window behind me.

"Thanks for throwing me!" (Y/n) says, crossing her arms after fixing her hair.

"It was either that, or someone saw us or you fell all the way back down. Your choice."

She sighs and rolls her eyes.

I chuckle at this, "did it work?"

She nods, "yup. I managed to split us up so that I could sprint back."

"Yeah, I can see that you're completely exhausted." I tease.

He hits my arm, "shut up! My endurance is bad, I know!"

We laugh but then (y/n) asks, "how'd it go with you?"

"Cut ten wires. Then went back. I do hope I cut the right ones as I'm not that good with technology."

"Hm, we'll see. But- you didn't have any scissors."

I smile, revealing my teeth. She gets what I mean.

"Ah, that's why you were turned just now?"

I nod.

"Well, we should go warn everyone now."

I nod again.

"Let's go then."

// uh-ohw... didn't Ethan forget something???😏//

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