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{your pov}

"Okay, but-" I begin. I don't want to go to that control room with too much risk of being seen, "if we go now- which is not a bad idea- are we going together?"

Ethan looks at me, "uh- yeah? Why?"

I stand up from where I was sitting, "well, there's more change of getting caught. Look- what if we say that you are going to the control room and that I'm going to look if there's a survivor outside? Then I'll come back screaming that there's someone out there- or something like that; we'll see. "

Ethan thinks about it for a second. He does hesitate but then he says, "okay. So you go out to the woods with a few people. Then I just hope for the best and go the control room and make it seem like a malfunction, right?"

I nod, "yes. And when we are all out there I'll make sure we split up so that I can head back to the building and help you, okay?"

He nods.

Then I think of something: we need camouflage. Well- Ethan needs it.

I discuss this with him and he tells me where I can find some black clothes in his room. His beanie is already here; I snuck that in a couple of minutes ago.

I sneak out again and grab some black pants and a black shirt. As well as a pair of black gloves. I then sneak back into my own room and lock the door behind me.

Good. Now we have everything, right?

Ethan checks everything again, "okay so you are going out to check for survivors, right?"


"Who will you be taking with you? Because I would suggest the people who suspect the most. Being- and this is a guess- Tyler, Sean and-" he stops here wanting me to say another name, or say nothing.

"I guess no one else. They're probably somewhat on the same line, I guess."

"Hm, okay. Well, then when you are gone I go into the control room and make it seem like there's a malfunction. But- what if there is an alarm? Or lasers or something? I might have read too many cartoons as a kid, but I know they'll have this."

I chuckle, "didn't think about that. Are you handy at those sort of things?"

"What? Handling lasers? Pretty much. I've practiced gymnastics when I was a kid, so- yeah."

I nod, "alright."

"Okay, then I come back and- then what?"

"Then I hope to be back as well. We'll punch the wall out and-" he stops me.

"Where do we leave the broken wall then?"

"We build a new one out of it, I thought? But then we have to be very precise. We can't just punch it out. . ."

"I may have something in my room, I'll get that when I get back."

I nod. We check some more and then it's time for us to get ready.

Ethan puts on all his black clothes. He's not even gone into the bathroom to change. Guess he has no shame?
I have my back turned to him as I thought it was uncomfortable for not only him, but for me as well.

Once we are all ready I head downstairs. Luckily the two people who I just so happen to need at this moment, are talking in the kitchen.

I walk up to them.

"Hey, guys!" I say happily- not too exaggerated.

"Hey, (y/n)." They say back.

"I was wondering. . . Do you guys want to go out with me to look for survivors?"

They give each other a look.

"Ehm, yeah sure." Sean says. I can see that Tyler is less happy with this idea, however. I can't blame him as he suspects so many things.
"When do you want to go?"


At the same time they reply. And I don't have to tell you which reply was Tyler's.

"Ehh. . "

"Sure, (y/n), we'll go now." Sean says, ignoring Tyler.

Tyler sighs but does give in.

I decide to walk to the door already, "I'll see you guys at the entrance!" I say and walk away.

After a minute or two they appear around the corner and we walk together into the woods.

After we are a few miles into the forest I say, "what if we split up?"

"Bad idea (y/n)," Sean says, "you don't know the way back."

"Oh, yes I do! Of course I do! It's not that difficult."

They both sigh.

"Excuse me can I talk to Tyler for a sec?"

I nod slowly.

They turn around and start to whisper something. The only things I can make up are the words 'opportunity' and 'change', the rest is nothing to me.

After a moment they turn around again.

"It's okay if we split up. If you know the way back, then- it's fine to me!" Sean smiles. I don't trust that smile, though. I know they don't just want to split up and that they're up to something, but I decide to let that go and focus on our mission.

I nod and smile and then I turn around and take a right. I walk and walk until I can't see them anymore. Then I take a sprint back to the building.

I just hope this is going to work. . .

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