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Signe has this beautiful pastel green skin, with a few, clearly visible, cute freckles. She also has these bright green eyes, pretty long lashes. Tattoos in a sort of plant like form cover her arms and legs; they're a slightly darker green than her skin itself.

Then there's Kathryn. Well- Kathryn? A bear stares right at me with these beautiful bright eyes. Dark brown fur. It's almost cute. But then I realize that she can tear someone apart in a few seconds. Hm.

Bob. // concept by @bethasaurous ! Thanks a lot for the comment and the idea! I thought your "version of Bob" was the most fitting, I guess. Big shoutout to you! And thanks again for helping! //
Not at all what I expected, but not in a negative way.
He had huge ...
Long legs
A- moose?
Yes, a moose. And it suited him.

And Wade. // concept by @Space_Cat648 ! A big thanks to you as well for helping me with an idea, and commenting. I really appreciate it! Just as the one before, I though your "version of Wade" was the most fitting, so I picked your (duhuh XD) . Anyhoo, thanks again and a big shoutout for you as well! //
Also, not what I expected.
Huge, strong and pretty wings.
Oh I know! A butterfly?!
A strong beak.
Those cool glowing eyes.
Yes, a hawk.

"Am I the only human here?!" I state after examining every new person in the room.

"Tyler is human too."
I look at Signe next to me.


"Yes. Though, he always said he was a were-tiger. Not that anyone believed him. But he liked to fantasize about it, i guess."

I nod and stand up, "how are we gonna do this?"

"We have to get him out of here. That's easier said than done. Also, some people have to check on Tyler and Sean; I don't trust the two alone in a room. Even though the room is locked." Amy stands next to me, a serious tone in her voice shows us that she takes this serious; and we should too.

"Should I check on them?" I say and look at Amy.

She nods, "at least one or two more have to go with (y/n). Any volunteers?"

Ethan raises his hand and so does Signe.

Amy nods again, "you can go. When you're done, come back to this room."


I open the door and the three of us rush upstairs. I don't know where they locked them, but Ethan does.

We follow him to the room and come to a stop.

I reach the door to unlock it, but come to the conclusion that that's not needed; it's not locked.

I look at Ethan and Signe.

"Are they in there?" Signe asks.

"Don't know. But I don't think so, judging by the fact that the door is open."

I open the door and go in. Looking around I try to find a glimpse of the boys.

Ethan and Signe have followed me into the room. Signe stays close to the door, in case the two happen to still be in the room and want to lock us in.

Ethan helps me looking around.

Suddenly, I hear some hissing from the closet.

I sign Ethan to come over. He does.

With Ethan standing next to me, I slowly open the closet door, standing out of sight of the opening itself.

An enormous snake jolts out. Confused as to who the heck just opened the door.

It jolts around, now facing Ethan and me. Crap.

In a split second i try to examine the snake to the best of my ability:
Bright green eyes.
Green skin (of course not only one shade, it has various shades of green in it).
Way too big fangs.
Pretty sure it's venomous.

That's the best I could do in such a short time.

It's almost as if the snake grins before practically attacking Ethan and me.

I try to dodge it and fall to the ground.

Looking up, and thinking that Ethan dodged as well, I see Ethan grabbing the snake by its throat and slamming it to the ground, choking it.

Out of no where, Tyler comes from god knows where and jumps on top of Ethan, trying to make Ethan let go of the snake.

Tyler's arm is around Ethan's neck, trying to choke him.

Now it's my turn to show that I'm capable of doing something too.

I jump on Tyler's back, causing Tyler to let go of Ethan. He's now trying to make me let go, but sadly for him, I'm holding on.

Tyler is making a real effort trying to get me off. He fails every time, because he tries to hold to Ethan as well.

The snake, now free again, prepares for an attack.

I know he's going to attack me and just as I want to take action, a huge plant shoots through the window, hitting the snake with great force and knocking it out.

All three of us look at the door opening where Signe stands, one arm stretched out, bright glowing green eyes and a really serious look on her face.

She controls the plant to take the snake and holds it tight, at the same time taking in with her out of the room.

Tyler is caught back to reality and hits Ethan on the cheek when he's distracted.

As a reflex I hit Tyler on the back of the head with my elbow. I do this with such force that he gets knocked out as well. He falls to the ground, again letting go of Ethan, who stands up immediately.

"We have to follow Signe."

Ethan nods, "you get his arms, I'll get his feet."

My turn to nod.

We grab Tyler.

"On three. One- two- three!" Both of us get him off the ground and carry him to where Signe has taken the snake.

When we arrive at the place, which is in the basement, in a really isolated room which cannot be unlocked as easy as the other room, we put Tyler in the cage they have set up. There are multiple cages, pretty handy for an occasion like this.

We close the door and lock it, but then it hits me. And it came to mind before, but it never really dawned on me until now.

That snake-

just wanted to thank you all for commenting on the last "chapter"! It really helped and to me it was fun! Sorry that it took so long for me to take a look and update the book.. I'm very busy (as always ugh..) but I'm trying my best for you guys~ this also doesn't mean that all the other ideas weren't good or good enough! I absolutely loved all the other ideas, but I just found these the most fitting ;)

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