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{your pov}

I stand up from the couch and walk away. I walk to my room.

Caught in my thoughts I don't see someone closing the door of my room and practically running away.

I hear the footsteps of this particular person, but when I turn to look, there's no one. Just a empty, white/grey and hollow hallway.

I close the door behind me sit on my bed. Staring at the white wall in front of me, I try to put all my thoughts together.

Why would Sean and this other guy talk about Ethan as though he is an alien? But then, why is Ethan healing so fast? And-

My room door opens and Ethan stands in the opening. He smiles and rolls in with his wheelchair.

I smile back. He closes the door and sort of rolls till he's right in front of me.

"So, how're you doing?" He asks, "you didn't seem actually 'there' just a minute ago. What's bothering you?"

"Hm. Nothing much. I'm just.. overthinking I guess.." I look down at my feet, sigh and then decide to just say it. To just ask what's bothering me here.

"Who are you?" I just say it. I say it looking right in his eyes.

A confused look creeps on his face. "Huh?"

"Who are you? Like, who are you really?"

His cheeks turn red and his eyes stare at the ground.
He sighs.

"Hm?" I ask, getting impatient. That's not one of my best characteristics.

"I'm Ethan." He finally decides to say. That's not the answer I want to hear, however.

"I know that. But that's not what I asked. I asked you really were." Another confused look. "You're not human, are you?"

His face rushes up till he's staring right at me. His eyes burn into mine.

"How?" His voice is serious.

"How what?"

"How? Just how? How did you come to that conclusion?" He rolls some closer. Still staring deep into my eyes.

"You're healing way too fast. That's one. And two, I heard people talking."

"Who?" His voice gets more serious.

"I don't know. And I don't know if it's too smart to say. They said that you were not one of them? And that they might throw you out and say that you 'escaped' or something. Seems like they really don't like you."

"Okay, first of all, okay, yes I'm not one of them. But they're not human either."

"What are they then? And what are you?"

He ignores my questions. "And second, you saying that it's not smart to say, just gives away that you know who were talking."

"Okay, I know one of them. The other I'm not sure of. And you're ignoring my questions."

"Fine. First tell me who were talking."

Making a deal, huh?

"Okay. Sean. And I'm not sure if it was Mark or Tyler with him. All I know is that the second person had a deep voice." I fiddle with my hands and the bracelets around my wrist. I got the from my friends.

"Okay.", I say trying to be as tough as possible, "your turn. Who are you really?"

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