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{your pov}

After breakfast I head back to my room. Luckily, I remember the way. It's so easy to get lost here. It's huge.

After I get dressed I decide to look around for a bit. I come across many rooms. All of which I don't know what's behind them. And I don't bother looking.

After a few minutes walking I hear people talking around the corner. Me being too curious, I stop and try to listen to the conversation. I can hardly understand what they're saying. But I make out some things.

"He's healing fast."

"That can be normal..?"

"No, -....- that's not normal and you know this. You're trying to convince yourself that it's not true." He said a name there, but I couldn't hear it.

"Yes, I know. But what if he's just one of us?"
Us? What does that mean? They're just humans right? Or-

"No. And I'm certain of that. We have to get him out of here. Before bad things happen."
What? What bad things?

"It's the apocalypse, dude. We can't just send him away!"

"There are thousands more of them out there. I'm sure. We will just say that he 'escaped' or something. No one will know. Especially not the new one."
They're talking about me? What have I to do with this?! But- who is he? They were talking about someone not being one of them. But who are they then?

Footsteps are coming my way. I try to be as casual as possible and just walk along. They pass me, but I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I don't recognize them.
I try to place the voices I just heard. Wait- Sean! I heard Sean! Sean was talking with someone. But who? It wasn't a female, that's for sure.
He had some sort of low husky voice...
Mark? Could be.
Or Tyler? He also had that deep voice.

I entered the living room. A lot of people were watching tv. Acting normal, I sat on the couch next to Amy and Ethan, who was still in his wheelchair.

I wasn't really into small-talk, but I couldn't stand the silence either. So I broke the ice.

"So.. how long have you been here?"

They both responded.

"Well, as for me, the entire time. Me and the rest of the people here, except Ethan-" she looked at Ethan- "sorry, built this!"

"Wow. How long did it take?" 

"A year. Maybe two. But we knew it was coming."

"Hm." I looked at Ethan. He got what I meant and spoke.

"They found me. I've been here for a week or so. I had really bad injuries so they were afraid that I might turn zombie. I didn't, however."

I examined him. It didn't look as though he's had bad injuries.

"You're healing fast." I spoke without realizing what I just said.

"Mhm. Cool, huh?"

My eyes widened. What did I just say? I said he was healing fast! They were talking about Ethan! I have to tell him this. Or do I? What if he's dangerous? What if they had an actual reason to talk about him like that?
I'm going to tell him. But- how?

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