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{your pov}

I gasp. Ethan notices.

He looks up, "what?"

"They- they have another survivor! I-I didn't think there was actually someone there!"

"Why? What did you tell them?"

"I told them there was a survivor that needed help. But I didn't think that it was actually true!"

"Well, probably saved by good luck. I'm almost done cutting the two things in half!"

I turn away from the window, ignoring the new survivor. I smile at the sight of what Ethan's done.

"Yes! Ethan good job!" I squeal and jump up to hug him.

His eyes widen at this.

"Eh- sorry. . ." I say and back away,  sitting on the bed.

He smiles, "it's okay."

He then goes back to work.

As he's done cutting the two in half, he motions for me to come help.

"You need to help getting these back in."

I nod.

"Okay," I say after we got the first one back in place, "one done, one to go!"

After we've got the second in place as well, something comes to mind, "why don't you glue the things in place? At least, I know why you aren't doing that to the one here," I point to my closet," but why are lent we glueing the other?"

He shrugs," I don't know. But we've got them in place, so I'm not changing anything."

I nod.

"Hey, you should go look downstairs," Ethan suddenly says.

"Why?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"There's a new survivor. Go see if you so happen to know him/her. "

"Alrighty," I say and open the door.

Walking down the stairs I think of how lucky I actually am. What if there wasn't a survivor? They would've gotten hella suspicious.

I walk into the living room and see a person on the couch.

Tyler and Kathryn are sitting next to him, talking.

Amy comes walking from the kitchen, "hey, (y/n). How are you feeling?" She asks.

"A lot better, thank you." I smile. "So, you found him?"

She nods, "m-hm! Good thing you found him!"

"We do have to check for injuries still!" I hear Sean call as he comes walking from the kitchen as well. He has a glass of water in his hand, probably for the person on the couch.

"Like you did to me!" I say.

"Yup! So I better do that, before it turns out that he's going to to turn zombie."

Amy nods and Sean takes this person to the same room as he checked me in.

"Where did you find him?" I ask as we sit on the couch as well.

"We were in such a hurry, I can't really remember anymore," she chuckles.

I do too.

"So, are you enjoying your stay?"

I nod, "yeah! I love it here! Much better than living on the streets or in the woods and such." I smile, but Amy looks confused.

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" I ask.

She shakes her head.

"Well, I've never really known my parents and from the stories around my hometown, I was the only kid they had. However, they left me when I was still really young. Some people from town took care of me for some time, but said that I was impossible after the first 14 years. So they dropped me somewhere. And I was forced to live on the streets and woods for two years. But then the apocalypse came and now I'm here!" I smile.

"Wow! I'm sorry you never knew your parents. . . Do you know why they left?"

I shake my head, "nah. They never told me. With 'they' I mean the people in town."

She nods.

"But it's okay. I'm happy to be here. It does feel like I have a family now."

And it's true. I'm not lying when I say that. It's just- I don't know if I can fully trust them. But then again, it feels like home.

The survivor comes in again, together with Sean, who has a worried look on his face.

He and Amy make eye contact and he shakes his head.

I only now see that the survivor is a guy. He has blonde hair and his face looks exhausted. Wounds cover his arms and legs. Doesn't seem as though he'll survive.

"He- he ehh- he's not really going to make it, i'm afraid." Sean stands next to the couch.

The survivor looks down at his feet.

"What was your name again?" Tyler asks politely.


"I'm sorry, Felix. . ." Tyler says as he pats Felix's back. Just a few pats.

"Wait-" I behind. It's not fair to say that he'll not make it when there's just the ski test change! "Do we know for sure that he's not going to make it?"

Sean nods, "sort of. I mean, his wounds don't all seem like he's been bitten. But there sure are some that say he's not going to get far."

"Wait let me look." I walk over to Felix and kneel down in front of him. His eyes jolt up and look directly into mine. They say that he's got hope.

"(Y/n), Sean has already checked him. I'm not sure if you know what you're doing. No offense," Tyler says.

"I do know what I'm doing," I say as I check the wounds, "you know how many times I got hurt? And how many times I healed again?"

And checking his injuries, I do think there's still hope.

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