Zanvis ---《Apocalypse AU》P.1

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This was inspired by eggheadJade. I'm trying to go for a different approach in this, and if it's the same by any means, please tell me.


Third person POV

The group ran fast as their guns ammo was low. Huffing and puffing, the group leader, Aaron, had been behind everyone else since it was his duty to keep his beloved, Aphmau, safe.

A blunette by the name of Dante was keeping himself up and running by a certain small brunette, whom he was trying to keep safe at all costs.

Two other other females, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan, were running as well.

A raven haired boy with a glossy blue eye known as Zane, was surprisingly in the lead considering his lack of athletics. But a certain white haired male was not that far behind the ravenette, eyeing the prize.

A couple others were there as well, consisting of: Garroth, Laurence, and Lucinda.
( If you're confused on who is in the group, Lemme tell you.

Garroth= Handyman

Laurence= Handyman

Travis= Mechanic

Zane= Nurse (don't ask)

Dante= Retired Chef

Vylad= Farmer

Aphmau= Leaders wife

Aaron= Group Leader

Lucinda= Teacher

Katelyn= hairstylist

Kawaii~chan= Baker

That's it. I know not alot of them are those things but I wanted to add a bit of a twist. )

As the group ran, a larger group 10× their size of dead, rotting corpses, wobbled after them. Why were they running even though the dead were barley walking? Because no risks were gonna be taken at this rate. It was to dangerous.

They ran as far as they could before one member of the group called out, "Hey! *inhale* *exhale* I see a building! Let's head for it! No one seems to be there!" Everyone agreed before following the voice.

Travis and Zane where the first to reach the building. Travis held the door open for Zane while he ran inside. The rest of the group got in safely, Travis closing the door and locking it.

Everyone was sweating and gasping for air. "Dammit.." Aaron said as he leaned against the wall. "What?" Dante said as he sat besides Vylad, giving the younger a shoulder massage. Vylad leaned back into Dante and closed his eyes, still breathing heavily.

"We where in the city for one thing. Medicine. And we got chased off by those fuckers.." Aaron said, dissapointed.

Everyone silently groaned, but one remained silent. Zane. "Hey one eye, why you all shushed up for?" Laurence asked, curious. "Um.." Zane responded nervously. The others turned their attention to the small male.

Zane unclipped his backpack from his stomach and slipped the straps down his shoulders. "The trip wasn't a total fail.." Zane said as he placed his bag on the floor and pulled out a pouch.

He walked up to Aaron and handed the older the pouch. Looking at it skeptically, Aaron unzipped the bag to be met with bandages, painkillers, needles, a bottle if Tylenol, gauze, and a bunch more medical supplies.

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