Zanvis Apocalypse AU --- P.11

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Third Person POV

Garroth had been walking for days, Laurence slowly falling further and further behind. Garroth sighed, as much as he wanted to find Zane, he should stop and regain his strength again shouldn't he? While Laurence dragged his feet behind Garroth, Garroth stayed still. He turned to Laurence, a bit dirty in the face but it was nothing new.

"We should stop for a while, charge up our energy again and set off when we're alright to keep moving.". Laurence felt a wave of guilt wash over him. " I don't want to stop just because Im falling a bit behind. I'll be fine.". He reassured. "Laurence, we're gonna stop for the night. We'll go searching for a place to rest. And if not, them we'll find a few trees and rest up there, where we're safe.".

Laurence sighed. "I..fine.". He didn't want to argue.

So with that, they set off to find somewhere to rest, where it would hopefully be safe enough for a night or two.

~With The Group~

With all that had been happening, Dante and Kawaii~Chan managed to find a safe place for everyone to relax. Vylad helped Aphmau inside, we're there were few beds. There were 8 of them, and only 4 beds. So they had to work things out. "Alright, well, Kawaii~Chan and Lucinda can sleep together, Aaron and Aph, Me and Dante, and Katelyn with Travis. That way two per bed and nobody's left out.". Vylad said.

Everyone seemed fine with it, breaking off to their own areas. Kawaii~Chan and Lucinda set their belongings in the corner, sitting next to each other while they helped each other out with fixing their hair and just talking. Aaron had Aphmau laying down, giving her his jacket to stay warm since there was a faint breeze. Dante and Vylad were relaxing together cuddled up on the bed, just talking. And as for Travis and Katelyn, well, lets just say there wasn't only one woman pregnant after that night.


Travis laid there, Katelyn fast asleep beside him. He couldn't believe it. He..he had sex with Katelyn. He couldn't help it. He just needed an outlet for his stress and worries. First it was talking, then it escalated to kissing and light touching, which eventually had turned into intense, sweaty and sloppy sex. He couldn't fathom what he had just done. He felt sick to his stomach thinking about how he was buried deep inside Katelyn not too long ago.

The whole time he imagined Zane, but he knew that was nowhere near an excuse for what he did. But at the same time, he felt like it wasn't completely his fault. He had been stressed and worried for a long time, and once the window came to make that all go away, even if it was for those 2 hours, he had to take it. He just was worried about what the others would think of him, what Vylad would think. Why did he care for Vylad's opinion the most you ask? He's Zane's brother, of course his opinion is gonna matter most in Zane's absence.

But, there was no going back now. What was done is done, there's no changing the past now.

Travis got up, getting dressed before stepping out, making sure to stay quiet so he wouldn't wake anyone. He made his way outside, sitting on a tipped over barrel. He looked up, seeing all the stars. He sighed, leaning against the wall. 'Its beautiful out tonight..isn't it Zane?'. He thought, staying outside for a few hours. When he got up to go back inside, he bumped into someone. Travis took out his knife, but quickly lowered it when he saw Aphmau. "Oh..hey Aph..what're you doing up this late?". He questioned.

"I should be asking you that same question Travis". She laughed softly. " are you?". She asked. Travis sighed, running a hand through his slightly dirty hair. "I um..I was just going back to bed..couldn't sleep ya know?". He laughed wearily. Aphmau smiled softly. "Its about Zane isn't it?". Travis went silent, avoiding her eyes. "She reached out, holding both his hands gently. "Don't worry, Garroth and Laurence went out to find him..Im positive its gonna be okay. They'll bring him back."

Travis sighed, nodding. "I just..what if he doesn't come back? What if they don't find him? What if he's been dead all this time and we're searching for his corpse instead?". He was paranoid beyond belief. Aphmau held his face, making him look at her. "Travis. Zane is perfectly fine. I know my fat nugget, it takes a lot to kill him. Trust me on that". She laughed softly. Travis took a deep breath, calming down. "Alright..I'll try to believe that too.". He said. Aph pulled him into a gentle hug, patting his shoulders in a motherly way. "Now that that conversation is done, go get some sleep. Take advantage of all this while it lasts before we're out on the road again." She insisted.

Travis nodded once more, going back inside. He didn't go back to the room with Katelyn though, he slept up on a sturdy stack of mats. It was pretty high up, but if you were to jump down you'd be fine.

And with that, he fell asleep.



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