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October 31, 2017

Zane stood in front of his mirror, flattening his poofy dress a bit. He was excited for tonight, it was Halloween. Zane always enjoyed this holiday because of many reasons. Some were because of the handsome werewolf's, Vampire's, and demon's that roamed around at night.

Of course they were people in costumes, but Zane thought they looked hot. He put on his boots and tied them. After that, Zane went downstairs to see a bowl of sweets on the table, pumpkin's and fake cobwebs spread around, and a fog machine on the floor.

He smiled at the decorations before heading out. He was going trick or treating with Travis tonight. He had told Travis what he was dressing up as, but Travus didn't tell him what his costume was. He told him it was a suprise.

Zane waited on his front porch, watching as little kids ran through the streets, pounds of candy in their bags. He softly giggled as the parents looked miserable bringing their kids to random strangers houses.

"Hello my little blackberry~" A deep voice said, grabbing Zane's attention. Zane jumped a bit before turning around. He then quietly laughed as he was Travis in his demon form. "So that's what you're going as Travis, really?" Zane asked as he let his eye roam Travis.

The white haired male chuckled before looking Zane up and down. "Wow. . . .you look beautiful" Travis said as he looked into Zane's eye, it sparkling. "T-thanks. ." Zane shyly replied as he looked down at the ground.

Travis laughed before picking up Zane  and floating in the air, placing the little male on his stomach. Zane gasped at how high they were. "W-where are we going?" Zane asked as he placed his lightly freckled hand on the white haired males chest, feeling his abs as he felt the heat on his face get hotter.

Travis lightly blushed at the action. "Its a surprise. . .I think you're really gonna like it"

The two eventually reached a field that was on a cliff-like structure. The whole city was lit up as Travis set Zane down on the ground softly. He then grabbed the ravenette's hand and led him through the field. "So, is this what you wanted to show me?" Zane asked curiously.

Travis shook his head before replying. "Not yet. Staaaaand right here" Travis said as he positioned Zane in the middle of the field. Zane looked around with his head before seeing Travis float above him and picked Zane up again.

Zane gasped once he saw hundreads of fireflys light up and fly around.

Zane gasped once he saw hundreads of fireflys light up and fly around

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"Travis. . .they're beautiful. ." Zane softly said as he felt one fly on the tip of his nose. He looked at the small bug before seeing it crawl. It tickled Zanes nose as he let out a smol kitten sneeze.  Travis looked at Zane in awe at the cute sound.

"Nows my chance. . . ."

Travis lightly held Zanes chin and made the ravenette look at him. "T-travis. . .?" Zane stuttered. Travis then pressed his lips against the others, savoring the faint pumpkin spice flavor.

Zane then sat properly and wrapped his arms around Travis's neck. Dark red blushes were displayed on both of their faces. They then pulled away and looked at each other, softly laughing as they pressed heads together.

"I love you Zane, and I always have <3"

"I love you too Travis, I have since freshmen year <3"

The two shared another passionate kiss as the fireflys flew around them.


Not gonna lie, I feel proud of this

MS/PDH/MCD---One~shot bookWhere stories live. Discover now