~Vylante PT.2~

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Dante's POV (short!)

"The fuck is wrong with that little son of a bitch?". I hissed, holding my now red cheek. Travis was watching back the footage, shrugging. "I don't know man, but all I know is that this is hilarious! Look how naive this kid was!" He laughed loudly, clutching his stomach from the funny pain. Travis kept rewinding when Vylad slapped Dante hard as FUCK!

Third Person POV

Dante looked over, seeing tears arise in his forest green eyes. He felt a certain tug at his heart, feeling some type of way. But, like he was always taught by his older brother, he pushed those hearty feelings aside, returning to his asshole casanova face. "Ha! Look at this, it really is true! Vylad Ro'meave really is a little pussy!" He laughed along with Travis.

The video was comedy gold, and they couldn't wait to make this into a shit ton of money. Travis and Dante walked over to the library, few kids in there. Usually it was just the bookworm nerds, and that group of emo kids that sat in the back eating cold ramen. And occasionally, that one girl thats always sitting behind the shelf sulking about being depressed. Ya know, the usual.

Travis sat down at one of the computers, Dante pulling up a chair next to him. They spent the rest of their free period editing the video, adding memes and hilarious bits that made it hard to watch stone faced.

After a about an hour, Dante and Travis finished their priceless project, ready to publish it to the whole school. "Hold up". Travis said before Dante could upload it. "Let's live broadcast it during lunch, that way everyone can see it all at once!". He laughed. Dante snickered.

"Ah, my man!". He laughed, fist bumping Travis. "Thats the first smart thing I've heard you say since last week!". He teased, Travis pouting. "Shut up! I am smart! ...in some cases". He chuckled. "Anywho, meet me in a the lunchroom a few minutes before hand so everything will be ready to go when the bell rings.

Dante nodded, sending the video to his own phone, sliding it in his pocket. "Catch ya later yeti". He joked. "Wow, asshole". Travis punched his shoulder, Dante slapping his neck harshly while Travis ran away laughing.

~TS To Lunch~

Travis leaned against the wall, waiting for Dante. "Ugh, where is he?". He grumbled to himself. The bell rang, everyone rushing to stuff their faces. Dante ran up to Travis, out of breath. "Im..here!". He panted, his face a bit red.

He ran all the way from the 600 building to the lunchroom, and it was a mile and a half distance apart. So yeah, he ran a lot. But it was all worth it if their plan worked out. Travis rolled his eyes. "Come on, lets get a move on. Everyone's piling in now ao we still have time.".

The blue haired teen nodded, following Travis behind stage, Travis hooking up his phone to the screen. He worked the mechanics, and eventually was able to download the video file to the computer there, turning on the big screen monitor and the file on pause.

Everyone went quiet as all eyes turned upwards to the screen. Travis walked out with a microphone, smirking. "Ladies and gentlemen, you could've been anywhere else in this school but you're here with us in the cafeteria, are you ready to see some funny shit?". He joked.

People were getting interested, paying more attention to the albino. Aphmau nudged Vylad's shoulder. "Um..Vylad..you might wanna call your mom..". She nervously said. Vylad looked over at her, then at Travis, then at the screen. He pales. "..oh no..". He stood up abruptly, running to the double doors.

Travis eyed him down, smirking. "Well, if it isn't the star of the show, Mr. Vylad Ro'meave! Why don't you come up here and bask in your new found glory and fame!". He suggested. Vylad swallowed hard, turning around. "U-um..I d-don't think thats a good idea and um- look at that people! Such a generous little thing ain't he?".

Travis cut Vylad off, people cheering for Vylad to go. He sighed, whimpering as he slowly trudged his feet towards Travis. He hated this, he hated this day, these people, the video, and himself. He let his walls down for one second..and this is the outcome.

Travis swung an arm around Vylad's shoulder, laughing. "Look at that proud face!". He teased. "Alright alright, let me stop....and move right into this beautiful project well done!". He cheered, people clapping and cheering with him. Dante hit play, and thats when Vylad finally broke.

The study, the flirtes, the lonely time between the two, everything. They saw everything. Aphmau looked at Vylad with such sympathy, feeling terrible for him. Vylad felt the hot tears roll down his face, running out the cafeteria in sobs. Dante saw through a small slit in the curtain, feeling that aching feeling come back.

He ignored it again, pushing it away once more, looking at the video. He had an idea, pulling out his phone. He live broadcasted the video on all social media, hundreds turning i to thousands, thousands turning into tens of thousands.

People all over the world were watching, getting a great kick out of it.

Vylad ran home, his face wet and vision blurry. He then ran upstairs, plopping on his bed. He sobbed into his pillow, having an asthma attack in the process. Zane was home, and heard tye cries. He went over to Vylads door, sighing before knocking. "Vylad? Are you alright in there?". He asked.

Vylad could feel his breathing failing, hus breaths shorter. Zane staryed getting worried when it went quiet, picking the lock and busting in. "Vylad!". He exclaimed, rushing over. Vylad was barely breathing, and an inhaler would do nothing at this point. Zane whipped out his phone and quickly called the ambulance, along with their mom.

Vylad felt his vidion getting darker and and darker, seeing and hearing sirens in the distance.

Then, it all went black.

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