Vylad x Dante --- Meet and Greet

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Vylad, a famous well known youtuber popular for his song covers, game plays, and hilarious vlogs, his social media as the following:

Instagram- 362k followers

Twitter- 583k followers

Facebook (which he rarely used)- 241k followers

Snapchat- 737k

He was indeed very well known, fans all over the world coming to meet him in his home town for a meet and great. He decided to do one since it had been requested on all social media.

He went on his phone and started a stream on Instagram, thousands of people automatically joining it.

"Well hello everyone! It's Vylad! You may be wondering "Hey Vylad, why are you streaming at 10:43 in the morning?" ...Wellllllll, Im lonely and need friends and I thought "Hey! May be I should start an Instagram stream to really start getting to interact with you guys. As some of you may know, Im having my first meet and greet later today from 1:00 to around 7 or 8 so, come on over and we can take some pictures and I'll finally get to meet most of my fanbase. Anyway, Im driving down to my brothers house to attack them with my cuteness, let's see how this'll go.."

-After the stream-

Vylad got Zane to finally go with him amd Garroth to a resturaunt(pro spelling), get all full and fat before the special part of the day.


"Oh my god Laurence will you hurry the hell up in the bathroom!?" Dante yelled, rushing everyone.

"Shut up Dante! I need to make sure I look perfect for the blonde hair cutie who's brothers with that Vylad guy!" He yelled, positioning his hair in sections in the most careful way possible.

"You still look fugly either way! So what's the point in trying!" Travis yelled from his room, eating taco's and playing Fortnight while he waited for the other guys to finish. He got up two hours earlier and got dressed, only because a, Dante would make him become vegan if he fidn't go, and b, he wants to try and see if he can meet Zane.

"Shut up Travis!" Laurence yelled, putting a specific amount of hairspray before kissing the air. "Andddddddddd done.." he said, walking out as he hit Dante's shoulder. "It's all yours buddy." He said, going to eat.

Dante hurriedly took a shower and got dressed, doing his hair before putting on his shoes. He called both guys down so they could leave. Travis and Laurance came down as they looked at Dante. "Alright, everyone ready?" The blunette asked, grabbin his car keys.

Both other males nodded, following him out as they locked the door, getting into Dante's car as they drove off.

-Timeskip after 2-3 hour drive-

Vylad walked out of the hotel he was staying in with Zane and Garroth, all three walking out be have there eardrums shattered by fangirls/boys screamimg, some trying to reach for him. "Hi guys!" Vylad yelled over all the screams, them just geting louder.

After about a minute or two the security guards had everyone quiet down a bit. "Hello everyone! Goshy! I didn't expect so many people!" He giggled happily, waving to everyone as they either recorded, cheered, or fainted.

"I'm so excited to see all of you here today! I'm so glad I get to meet my other half of my family!" He giggled again, the crowd aweing and cheering. One girl was in tears, screaming "I love you Vylad!" Over and over again. Vylad smiled and walked up to her, her gasping as he kissed her cheek. "My fellow sister!" He smiled, her sobbing as her mom hugged her, laughing.

Dante, Travis, and Laurence finally made it, groaning at how many people  were here. If they'd even want to see any of the Ro'meaves, they'd have to push through the crowd.

So that's what they did, but, kindly of course.

Dante watched in awe of how smol and perfect Vylad was. He was so gosh darn adorable, and that's what brought Dante to him right away. How he's unlike anyone he's ever met.

Vylad looked over and smiled at Dante, Dante mezmerized by how vibrant green his eyes were.

Travis was just looking at Zane's butt the whole time.

And Laurence...poor...sweet...innocent........dumbasfuck Laurence.
He was flirting with Garroth.

Vylad skipped over to Dante. "Hiya friend! Ya new here?" He asked. Dante snapped out of it and nodded, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed. "O-oh um, y-yes actually..".

"Awee well that's wonderful! You look great today" he said sweetly, Dante's heart just melting. "T-thanks..you look amzing too..."

Vylad smiled, shakimg Dante's hand. 'It's so softtttt~!' Dante groaned in his head. Vylad shared a goodbye before talking to other fans.

-7-8 hours later-

Everyone left as Vylad and Zane yawned tiredly, rubbing their eye(s) as they yawned again. "Im beat..but it was fun..very fun.." Vylad said, a cute look on his face. Zane rolled his eyes and went walking back to the hotel.

Garroth already left and knocked out.

Dante, Travis and Laurence were getting ready to go home, Dante upset that he didn't get more time with Vylad.

Vylad took a few more pictures with late comers, beat. Dante followed the sound of a girl saying, "It'd be great if you could sign these two phone cases! My little sister loves you and wants her phone case to be with your name on it!".

'Vylad..he has to be there!' Dante thought, racing around the corner to see Vylad putting his name on both cases, which he mentioned were very cute.

Dante went up to them, taking a deep breath. The girl left, happy. Vylad rubbed an eye, waving bye to her, before turning around and bumping into Dante's chest, falling over. Dante thought for once and caughr him in a dip position, leading Vylad back onto his feet.

"Heh, thank you.." Vylad said, his eyes a little red. Dante blushed. 'He's so cute when he's tired!' He thought. "Um..well..I just wanted to see if...maybe...I dunno..if...you'dliketograbcoffeesometime?" Dante squeaked out. Vylad took a moment before bursting out laughing.

Dante for sure just thought he fucked up."Haha! Sure!" Vylad snorted.(We need more coke-we packed pepsi-) Dante died. "W-wha!? Really?!". "Of course! I'd love to grab coffee with ya!".

Dante's face had brightened up like a child on Christmas day. He wrapped his arms around Vylad's waist and lifted him off the ground, swinging him around. They both laughed. Dante flushed and put him down. "Sorry about that.." he laughed nervously. Vylad smiled. "No problem, but I really need to get to a bed.." he yawned.

Dante stepped aside. "After you m'lady" he bowed. Vylad giggled and did a curtsy(Im to lazy to spell that right). They both exchanged numbers before leaving.

Vylad laid down and moaned, resting his poor little feet from walking, running, and just standing all day. "What a meet..and greet.." he yawned before passing out on the bed.

Dante looked happily out his bedroom window as he sat on his bed, Travis and Laurence downstairs. "What a meet and greet.." he said softly, before laying down and dozing off.

That night both males thought of eachother..both looking forward to grabbing coffee together..

...ohhhhh mmmyyyyyyy lorddddddd Immmmmm soooooo tiredddddd buttttttt Iiii don'tttttttt wanttttt toooo goooo toooo sleeppppppp

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