Zenix x Gene

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(Slight angst?)

Third Person POV

It was a silent night in Phoenix Drop. People were still outside their homes, chatting about random topics that had come to mind.

Outside the walls, two shadow knights were sneaking around. One of them was a small curvy brunette, his name was Zenix. Alongside him, was a tall muscular blunette. His hair was a darker shade of blue, like..super dark. His name was Gene.

The two SK's were best Friends, nothing could come between them. They were always there for each other. They would do everything together...and I mean....everything. The two were inseparable. The downside was that Gene...may or may not have a humongous crush on the little brunette.

From his semi curly brown hair to his shiny red colored eyes to his little curvy body. Those were the things that drove Gene insane. His thoughts would go beyond his control when he looked at the smol bean.


The two males try to sneak into the village to complete their mission. Eliminate Lord Aphmau..

Both approach the walls, coincidentally, no one was there guarding the entrance, wall, or anything. "Theres no way that nobody is guarding the wall. It has to be a trap. . ." Zenix whispered, keeping his voice down so no one could hear him but Gene.

"I dunno Zennie. . . It could be our only shot of getting in." Gene said, looking at how tall the wall was. Zenix grabbed Gene's hand and crouched when they heard talking nearby.

"Irene. . . I can't get enough of you babe. . ."

"Well, I have my ways. .hehe~"

"You know how I get when you act like this"

"No~, I don't. Why don't you show me~"

"You asked for this. . ."

"Whatever you say Travis~"

"I'm gonna make you mine tonight Zane. . .~"

"Then do it"

Then there were kissing sounds, giggling, and soft moans. Both SKs' faces turned red at the noises.

Gene grabbed Zenix's smol hand and ran to another part of the wall. "Irene, can't those two get a room?" Gene asked, annoyed by the love birds. Zenix giggled as Gene gave the smaller male a confused look.

"Hehe, your face was hilarious!" Zenix giggled, making Gene blush more.

'Stop being so cute dammit. . .'

Gene thought as he glanced over and saw a ladder hanging off the side of the wall. Gene smirked before turning his attention back to the small male. "Hey Zeni, I spotted a ladder that we can use to get over the wall.." Gene said.

Zenix followed to where Gene pointed and went over to the wood. He started climbing the sturdy logs as Gene watched from below. 'Dayum~! He got a fine ass~' Gene thought as he climbed up next.

As soon as the two reached the top they looked diwn to see the whole village up and out their homes. "Shit. . ." Gene swore as Zenix knitted his eyebrows, making him look uncertain and a bit upset.

Gene glanced over to the smaller male. "Something wrong Zeni?". Zenix grabbed Gene's hand, his face flushing. "We're gonna have to split up. . ." Zenix said as he looked down. Gene felt his heart crack at the youngers face. "What? No! I can't leave you by yourself! What if something bad happens to you and I'm not there?!"

Zenix sighed as he looked up at Gene. "I'll be okay, I promise. We'll meet up back here in 15 minutes ok?" Zenix said as he laced their hands together. Gene thought about it before sadly agreeing.

"Fine. . . But we meet back here in exactly 15 minutes! If you're late even by a second, I won't hesitate to come looking for you!" Gene exclaimed. Zenix giggled at his protectivness.  Before Gene set off, Zenix kissed his cheek. "Stay safe. ." He shyly said as he then left, leaving Gene to blush furiouslly.



I need help. . .like badly

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