Zanvis --- 《Apocalypse AU 》P.2

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Zane's POV


I grabbed my knife and turned around quickly, grabbing the person and positioned my knife. "Heh.....cute" A white haired male said as he grabbed my hand put it down.

I sigh in relief when I saw Travis, but that didn't last long. I quickly put my knife away and tried not to look scared about the look on Travis' face.

His face was beat red and his eyebrows were furrowed. I look from his eyes to his chest in shame as I was prepared for a slap on the cheek or something like that.

Third Person POV

It was quiet for a moment, just those two alone at last without having everybody up in their business. This is what Travis dreamed of...being alone with the most breath-taking creature Irene had ever created...

While their was still time, Travis took notice to the little things about Zane. Like how his eye was a gorgeous shade of baby blue, or how their was a little layer of freckles from the bottom of his eye that went across his face (keep in mind that Zane still has his mask on), or the fact that Zane had diamond earings on both ears....and that his eyebrows were on fleek like..DAMN

He looked adorable. Zane looked over at Travis to notice some features as well. Like the tan he had that was perfectly done, or that his rock hard abs could be seen from his see-through shirt. Or how his bisecps showed. Zane shivered a little in delight at the sight of the hot & muscular man.

Zane mentally shook and slapped himself. 'No! Don't think about that! That's....bad...?' He thought as he broke the silence with starting a conversation.

"Uhh're not m-mad at me...right..?" Zane asked as he gripped his shoulders. Travis stayed silent until he brought Zane closer to him, hugging him. "I am dissapointed that you did exactly what I asked not to do...but I could never be mad at you.." The older said as he held onto the small boy.

Zane's face flushed as he hugged Travis back. They stayed up on the roof just silently hugging, no words were said. A while later Lucinda comes up to the roof and smiles when she sees the two.

"Ahem. Am I interrupting something?" Lucy says as she eyes the both of them. Zane pulls away quickly, much to Travis' disliking. Zane scratches the back of his neck as he stared at the ground and blushes.

Travis looked upset but covered it up when he turned to Lucinda. "N-no...whats wrong?" He asked as he looked at the witch. "Oh, nothings wrong. I just came here to tell you and Zane that we're leaving soon. So pack up your stuff.." The orange haired girl said before going back downstairs.

It went silent again until Zane spoke up. "We should...uh....get going...." Zane said as he started to walk to the stairs. Travis sighed and nodded before following after Zane.

When the two arrived downstairs they saw everyone packing up their belongings. Dante got up and went over to Travis, pulling him away while Zane went with Vylad.

Dante took Travis around the corner and started to ask him a few questions. " and Zane eh? Dante asked as he smirked at the albino. Travis' face turned a shade of red.

"S-shut up..! We're not dating!.........yet..." Travis whispered the last part, hoping Dante didnt hear it. But he did. Grinning mischeviously, the blunette elbowed the albino and wiggled his eyes brows.

Travis huffed in annoyance at his friend and looked away. An idea popped into the white haired male as he lightly smirked.

"Oh yeah~? What about you and Vylad hmm? You're always around him" Travis said as he glanced at his now blushing friend.

"H-hey! I'm only around him because I wanna keep him safe..." Dante said quietly, pointing his attention over to Vylad, whom was packing up the food supplies with Zane.

"I dunno man....seems to me that you might have a thing for the little guy.." Travis said as he leaned on the wall, arms crossed. "Well yeah...I do.....he's...different then the rest in a way I guess..." Dante calmly said as he never took his attention away from the latter.

"Mm......that rhymed.." Travis pointed out as the two males chuckled. "If you really like him then you should ask him out Dante" Travis spoke as he eyed one of the Ro'meave brothers (psssst! It's Zane!).

"You think so..? I mean, Garroth would probably go crazy.." The blunette said, unsure if he should take up on the idea.

"If you really love him that much..." Travis said as he gave his friend a pat on the back for reinsurance. Dante smiled lightly before inhaling a breath and walked over to Vylad. Travis smiled as he saw Dante ask Vylad if he could follow him real quick. Vylad nodded and got up, following the blunette.

Travis glanced at Zane and saw that the smol ravenette was struggling to zip up his bag which was loaded with wayyy to much stuff. He walked over to the smol boy and opened his own backpack. He took some of Zanes stuff and put it into his own.

"Heh...thanks.." Zane whispered as he was now able to zip up his backpack. "No problem....I'd do anything for you.." Travis whispered the last part as he blushed lightly, hoping that Zane didn't hear what he had said. Ohhh but he did. Zanes face flushed as he glanced at Travis. "You would..?"

Travis mentally cursed at himself. One for not being quieter, and two for almost dieing at the cuteness laced in Zanes soft voice. "Yeah..." Travis said as he held Zanes smol hand in his.

Zane looked at their hands and smiled.

It was silent until we heard a loud "YES!". We looked in the direction and saw a smiling Dante walking back with a giddy Vylad.

"What happened with you guys?" Lucinda asked as she zipped up her bag full of potions.

"Hehe nothing~!" Vylad said as he pecked Dantes cheek, making everyone gasp and aww. Dante chuckled nervously as his face turned a shade of dark red.

"You guys got together?" Laurence asked.

They both nodded as Dante linked an arm around Vylads waist. Everyone congratulated them and gave high fives. "'re a couple now..?" A deep, British voice asked. Dante and Vylad fearfully looked at who said that.

"Y-yeah Garroth...I'm dating Vylad" Dante said nervously as Garroth got up and stalked towards the two. Garroth stands over Dante by a half a foot.

It goes silent before Garroth sticks out his hand. Dante shakily grabs it and they share a hand shake. "Just take care of him... or I'll feed you to the walkers.." Garroth said as he let go.

"R-really..?! Thank you so much!" You won't regret it" Dante exclaimed as he hugged Vylad tightly, the brunette giggling in response.

Zane sighed in an upset manner as Travis looked at the smol ravenette. "What's wrong...?" Travis asked softly. Zane shook his head. "Nothing....I just wish that I had a special someone in my life like how Vylad had Dante....or how Garroth has Laurence. I never had love from anyone besides my family...I just wish that I could find something like that....someone to hold me, give me small kisses, tell me that they love me..." Zane said in a shaky voice.

Travis gasped lightly before seeing a single tear slide down the ravenettes face. Oh how badly Travis just wanted to tell Zane that he loves him, wants to kiss Zane all over, and to hold him in his arms.

But he just hugged the latter, telling him that it's ok and that if there's not a single person who would do any of those things with you, he would gladly take responsibility for those things.

"It's ok....I'll always be here with you...where ever you are.."


I did a thing :>

I'm trash

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