Scar's Warning - Prologue

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Thank you @warriorcatlover511 I dont even know why Im thanking you, but Im gonna dedicate ya to this cuz I really liked the zombie warrior cat fan fic you made! :3 :D

Thanks @Pastel_Ice for the awesome cover!

August 16th, 2017: I'm thoroughly editing this. I see many comments about mistakes and such, and since my other book Bloodshed: Shadows is coming to an end, I figured lets fix it!


Prologue ~

The sun shone brightly over the camp. Patrols came back with their jaws full of mouth-watering fresh-kill. Kits played around, diving for each other and chasing warriors. Elders basked in the warm, welcoming sun while the leader purred with his mate, speaking of how his deputy talked so much he once tripped and fell into a bush full of thorns. Everyone was happy in the daylight of greenleaf. But the one thing they didn't know, was something much darker than they've all ever come across is coming. Quicker than anyone ever thought.


A moaning sound came from outside of Scar's den. He was a fluffy, elderly loner in Twolegplace. Usually, no cat bothered him. What is that noise? He thought, blinking open his eyes.

Padding out of his cozy, Twoleg-made nest, he was welcomed by a bloody cat standing awkwardly a few tail-lengths away. The fur on his body was ripped off, blood dripping from a massive gash in its side. It looked like it was a bite mark. A Twoleg bite mark.

Scar wearily stalked toward the injured, moaning cat. "Hello? Are you alright?" Scar mewed to the mysterious cat, his tail trembling. His gut told him to run and hide. Scar jumped as the sound of a monster on the Thunderpath not far from his den crashed into something and a screech followed after it, loud moaning and growls echoing among the Twolegplace. Gulping, Scar stepped closer.

What's going on? Whats with all the moaning? His heartbeat thumped faster than a monster could ever run as he poked the cats bald flank from behind it. The cat whipped around and let out a ferocious growl, its jaws dripping with saliva and blood. Scar backed away from it, suddenly terrified and feeling helpless, toward the fence as it stumbled toward him.

Its eyes were milky and frosted over as if it were blind or even dead. Spit drooled out of its bloody mouth as it opened its jaw. It extended its neck toward him and snapped it closed when Scar hopped backwards. "What are you doing? Go away!" Scar screeched, slashing weakly at the face of the cat. It barely budged, stumbling closer.

Scar climbed some wooden boxes that were piled near the fence and stood on top. Looking down on the cat, he sat. But the bloody, monstrous cat didn't stop there.

The cat groaned as it slowly climbed the boxes, scratching at the high climb. The Clans will know what's going on! Scar decided and just as the strange cat fell again, he leaped off of the fence and ran through the dense forest. Bushes and branches whipped his face as he dashed through the forest, but he didn't care to dodge any of them. With the sun blazing above, the forest was much more alive and less frightening than it was at night.

SpiritClan's territory border passed by several heartbeats ago, but that didn't stop him. He needed to get to the nearest Clan! All three of the Clans knew him but didn't try to chase him out. He was the friendly loner that visited every now and again.

There were three Clans that were known there. The forest was owned by SpiritClan. The moor was owned by LightClan and the pines and marsh were owned by DarkClan. All three didn't like each other but respected them as cats. Barely any battles happened between the Clans, which was good in Scars' perspective.

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