Chapter 4

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"Where? Are we going to help LightClan?" Bluewave murmured, padding in beside me as I led the way. Just then, I felt Leopardstar's presence beside me.

I nodded after a heartbeat of glancing over at the DarkClan leader. "Yes. We need all the help we can get and right now, so do they." Bluewave dipped her head and fell back into the rear of the group.

"If I lose any more of my warriors, Reedstar, I swear you'll regret it." Leopardstar snarled and kept her gaze forward. I gulped and took a deep breath. "Leopardstar, we both know we can't be sure any of us will come out alive. We have to help them."

"This is a suicide mission!" She hissed, shooting a hateful glance at me. "I might just take my warriors and go do our own thing."

I shook my head lightly, trying not to flinch as she growled. Wow she really hates me... All I really want is more warriors so they can protect me. It'll be instinct. I'm the leader, after all. What would they do without me?

"It isn't a suicide mission." I argued, keeping my chin up. "We've learned how to kill them, and once LightClan learns the discovery I've made-" The tall DarkClan leader scoffed, "It's always about you, isn't it?"

I didn't bother to reply as we neared LightClan's camp. Without realizing it, we had already come into their territory. Leopardstar's ears pricked at the sound of moaning close by. "They're blind right?" Cloudjaw murmured as we halted. I shrugged and whispered, "Beats me..."

Three flesh-eaters were tearing open a cat by the looks of how they were standing. The dying cat couldn't be seen by the way they huddled over it, but it was clear what was happening from the tearing noise. Leopardstar dragged herself forward in a stalking position. I held my tail up to signal the rest to wait. She wouldn't listen to my orders even if I begged. "No one moves until these ones are killed off." I mumbled, ducking into the stalking position. 

They nodded and I followed Leopardstar. She and I stalked carefully toward them. I grabbed my stick from the vine Cloudjaw had tightly wrapped around my ribs.

Clenching my jaw tightly, I raised it at the first one and jabbed it into it's head. It fell instantly as it punctured it's brain. That worked better than expected...

I muffled a scream of surprise as one lifted its head and snarled at me. I yanked the stick from the flesh-eaters skull and jammed it into the other flesh-eaters brain. That was Jaguarspot. I thought with a shiver. 

What a shame. A grumpy old elder like you? Payback's a pain, isn't it? What had happened was one time while I was still deputy, he had yelled at me for stepping on his tail. I had shoved my muzzle in his face, impressing Birdfeather and hissing, "Excuse me? You think it was my fault you were in my way?" Honestly. Come on, I could've killed him then and there for yelling at me. No one yells at Reedstar; Reedwind then.

"Break times over, Reedstar. We've got company." Leopardstar growled, gesturing to the few flesh-eaters stumbling over.

I sighed, muttering, "Really? Did you make noise or something? Why are they coming this way?" Leopardstar gave me an impatient glare and without answering, stalked forward. Fine then, don't answer. I'll remember that.

I raised my tail and flicked it toward LightClans camp. The group of cats came trekking by silently.

"Birdfeather thinks she might be having her kits soon. She can... just feel it. We need to find a place to stay." Poppyheart murmured as I waited for the group to pass.

"Take her to a tree and I'll find you. Make the tree noticeable or something, this battle probably won't take any time at all. Bring Heatherleg and Sunkit along." I replied dryly, turning away before she could argue.

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