Chapter 1

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I pounded away from the scene as Scar was torn apart. His screams echoed into the forest as I dashed away. I can't let myself get killed, I have a duty. I'll warn the Clan and the other Clans but that's it. I only have 4 lives left. I thought as I raced away from his screams. Suddenly, they stopped. He must be out of his misery. I thought. I didn't dare look behind me.

I slowed down as my camp came into view. I can't make them panic. What do I tell them? I'll say Scar went to his nest. Wait... what about the flesh-eating cats?

"Reedstar, where's Scar?" Whitetooth asked. His patrol of four - Whitetooth and Flamescar and their apprentices, Blackpaw and Rockpaw - must've caught up with me. My eyes darted around while I tried to hide my anxiousness and think of a reason suitable for what was going on.

"I sent him home." I murmured, trotting into camp. "Why? Was it a prank?" Rockpaw asked, coming in beside me. "No, but it was something... minor. Everything's fine. He's old and he's... seeing things..." I growled quickly, hoping they'd believe me.

It seemed good enough because no one asked anymore questions. "Reedstar." Poppyheart's voice panted behind me and I spun around. "What?" I mewed. She looks more tired then ever... What's going on?

"It's Magmapaw, Brackenpelt and Oceantail. When they came back this morning from Twolegplace, Magmapaw came to me with a bite. She's been coughing up blood ever since. Same with Brackenpelt but Oceantail seems to be fine. I can't seem to get them to stop with anything!" She exclaimed. I gave her a bewildered look and followed her into the den.

"I tried to give them poppy seeds several times, but they keep coughing them up!" Poppyheart's whisper in the medicine den was desperate and I shrugged with wide eyes, "I'm not a medicine cat! I don't know! You'll have to come with me to see DarkClan and LightClan. Something's up in Twolegplace." I hissed and Poppyheart opened her mouth to reply, eyes glistening with confusion, but Magmapaw started to heave again. She hurried to tend to the young apprentice.

"Let me see her!" Lionroar wailed from outside. "I can't let him see her like this, Reedstar. He won't take my reassurance, please, go tell him she's fine while I try to stop her from heaving," Poppyheart mewed and I nodded. Magmapaw made a moaning sound and I looked over my shoulder. Is she going to turn into one of them?

"Reedstar, move." Lionroar hissed, fur fluffed up. Cloudjaw and Whitetooth were trying to hold him back. "No. Magmapaw is alright, trust me. She's sleeping now and she doesn't need anyone bothering her." Lionroar didn't seem to believe me, but reluctantly, the large warrior backed away.

All of a sudden, Lionroar shoved me out of the way and disappeared into the medicine den.

I stumbled from the blow and fell backwards. Quickly, I got up and stepped in. "No one else is to come in. If they do, attack them and bring them out immediately." I growled and Cloudjaw nodded.

Lionroar was prodding at Magmapaw. She lay on the ground motionless, her breathing fast and shallow. Poppyheart pushed me back out.

"I don't think she can handle this much blood loss. It's not normal. At first it was what she had to eat before leaving, now it's just constant blood mixed with white and yellow. That's deadly." She murmured and the camp went dead silent. Her eyes were filled with horror.

I could hear moans from far away. Brackenpelt started to heave loudly. I stepped back in and Lionroar was laying beside his daughter.

"Lionroar," I murmured, nudging him. Will Magmapaw become one of those flesh-eating cats? Will Brackenpelt? "You need to step away from Magmapaw." Lionroar growled as Poppyheart tried to drag her away.

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