Chapter 5

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I sighed and hurried along beside Lilypatch. She had a glare deep inside her eyes and her fur was on edge. Blood splattered her pelt and I wondered if she had swallowed any blood. If she did, I had a reason to kick her out.

Then I would be one step closer to being leader of them all.

Maybe I can convince Leopardstar to take a step down and let me rule? Maybe she'll go crazy sometime soon? Would killing someone she loves make her insane? Who would that be?

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I decided to just wait for that.

We pounded away from the flesh-eaters. I knew in heartbeats there would be more than any of us could handle. They'd eat us in heartbeats. We'd be forced to give our lives.

I rushed harder, my leg muscles screaming in protest. I ran hard through the forest, the pines deepening as we switched territories. My legs began to ache more than ever and just then I wished someone would carry me. I mean, I'm the leader. I need to be refreshed and strong, right? Right. But even so, I kept going, every now and again swerving by a flesh-eater. Leopardstar and the group had to move away quickly before it grabbed anyone.

Leopardstar ran in front of me and I swallowed a growl. I was doing just fine until she came along and took the lead. She led the way toward a tangle of thorns at the edge of her territory. It began to get harder and harder to swerve by the swelling amount of flesh-eaters.

"This way!" Leopardstar yowled over her shoulder, dodging a flesh-eater's bite. Lilypatch backed up and herded the cats through, kicking the flesh-eaters back and out of the way. Finally, we made it to the thorns; a tunnel was formed in it and Leopardstar stood in the entrance. "Go, go, go!" She hissed and I ducked in with cats on my heels.

Without realizing it, we came to a cave. A few cracks above made it bright enough to at least see where we were stepping. It started to get crammed up quickly. My fur stood on end.

A tiny squeal came from behind me and I flinched as a mouse tried scatter away. I had it by the tail and I made sure it didn't go anywhere. I nipped it in the neck and held it up. I can't eat it here, they'll all notice and probably feed me to the flesh-eaters... Play it cool. Give it to the youngest.

I spotted Heatherleg laying down with Sunkit at her stomach and Lighteningice and her two kits, Sootkit and Stormkit, laying on the other side of them.

With a low sigh, I gave it to Lighteningice. She looked up with shock and I dipped my head. "Thank you," she whispered and Heatherleg laid in behind her.

I didn't reply, just backed slightly up to where I could be alone. I muffled a sigh as the scent of Birdfeather came to me.

"I'm going to sleep, okay?" She trembled and I nodded. The swelled up she-cat nuzzled herself into my stomach as I laid down. Whatever, I'm going to sleep anyway. Birdfeather kept trying to move in closer but I didn't move to comfort her. Why should I make her feel good? It wouldn't work anyway.

Leopardstar nudged me - in what seemed to be only heartbeats, which was actually from daylight to midnight - and I groaned. "What?" I mumbled angrily, blinking my eyes open.

"Everyone is asleep other than me and Lilypatch and we can't keep the flesh-eaters back much longer. I know this is stupid to ask you, but we need an idea." She growled and I stood up slowly, careful not to wake Birdfeather.

"Look, I don't know. Did you put rocks in front of it?" I muttered, my voice slightly bouncing off the empty rocks. "We have thought of that but there aren't many in here. I cleaned them out for emergencies, like putting many cats in here,"

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