Chapter 23 - Lighteningice's P.O.V.

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My heartbeat quickened, beating like a bird stuck in my chest. My legs were weak and my tail was fluffed up and trembling in fear. We were bound to fall into the paws of flesh-eaters, by trap or by coincidence. I could just feel it rippling through my pelt. Something bad was going to happen. But what? 

I didn't want to worry Stormkit as he dangled from my jaws. Sootkit and Stormkit should be walking on their own, I had realized by then, but they were awfully thin for their age. At almost four moons old, you'd think they were to heavy to carry. That wasn't the case at all.

Sootkit for sure couldn't keep up with the group. There must be something wrong with him; he doesn't understand as much as Stormkit. You'd think it would be the opposite, since I carry Stormkit everywhere and try to get Sootkit to understand more. But Sootkit doesn't seem to catch on like he should. 

Sootkit should be able to keep up with me since I never carry him around. Why doesn't he? Could he be infected? I quickly tightened my grasp on Stormkit's scruff at the thought of that. He squealed in shock and I muttered a small apology.

"Are you okay?" Poppyheart mewed through the herbs she brought along. I gave her a small nod and was forced to look away. 

"How much longer, Lighteningice?" Stormkit moaned and wriggled around. He stretched his legs and I sighed, "Not long from now, I'm sure." I replied. I also realized Sootkit barely talked. Even before the tragedies the Clans had suffered he hadn't spoke much. Depression or maybe anxiety? I wondered, narrowing my eyes.

I focused on the stars, glistening white dots sprinkled the midnight black sky as the moon stayed still, so it seemed. I focused on the grass under my paws; it made a swish sound as the group made its way through. 

"Get down and be quiet!" Cloudjaw hissed over his shoulder. I got down into a crouch just as everyone else did. "What's happening?" Sootkit whimpered. I was just about to ask the same thing. "Hush," Poppyheart whispered. It kind of made me feel better, too. But my heart continued to race. 

Lilypatch looked over her shoulder and hissed, "Flesh-eaters. Stay down and be as quiet as you can!" I strained to hear better and sure enough, growling and the swishing of grass came from in front of the group.

"Lighteningice-" Sootkit called from behind me and I whipped around. "Be quiet!" I snapped before I realized what I had said. Oh no! I can't be like that with him... "You can't talk right now, love." I soothed quietly through Stormkits' scruff.

Sootkit looked hurt but nodded. Maybe he's just quiet... I looked ahead and followed the group as quiet as a mouse. I held my breath, paranoid even the slightest breath will alarm the undead.

Together, we stalked silently around the couple of roaming flesh-eaters. Cloudjaw pushed everyone along and Lilypatch led the way. Her head was slightly raised and her tail just up off the ground. We finally were far enough away that we could sit up straight.

Cloudjaw came to the front of the group once everyone was moving. "Pick up the pace, I want to be as far away from this territory as I can!" He hissed briefly over his shoulder. Lilypatch broke into a run and Cloudjaw followed. Sootkit bounced in Redfur's jaws, a heavy breath coming out every time he took a step. Stormkit started to mewl again, a syllable for every time gravity tried to pull him to the ground.

"I'm... so... ti... red... and... hung... r-ry!" He complained. I sighed. "I know, everyone else is, too. We're almost there!" Stormkit groaned but didn't reply.

Sunkit started arguing with Heatherleg about prey and I was suddenly washed over with fatigue. My great StarClan... Could we go a day without running? Maybe no threats too? I wished, glancing at the bright moon. Taking in huge gulps, we slowed to a stop. I had no idea where we were. It didn't smell like SpiritClan anymore. 

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