Chapter 45 - Sunkit's P.O.V.

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Still Poppyheart's P.O.V. to come!


I woke up to a golden stomach in my face. I sneezed lightly as fur stuck up my nose. My heart suddenly fluttered, as if it knew something I wasn't catching onto.

Ambersun was snoring peacefully, her stomach rising and falling slowly and majestically. I hopped up and spun around. 

"Heatherleg!" I screamed, rushing out of the den and running through the camp. My mind was whirling! Am I really home again? I wondered as I left the nursery.

Leopardstar was sunning in the camp and Darkheart was chatting with Venomsoul. Heatherleg was showing her kits, Birchpaw, Timberpaw and Leafpaw tricks and tips in fighting. I rushed over as fast as my stubby legs would take me.

"Heatherleg! Oh my StarClan, did you see?" I gasped, my mouth open wide. I couldn't stay still at all from excitement and relief. "What is it Sunkit?" Heatherleg purred.

"The flesh-eaters are gone! We can go back to normal! Leopardstar isn't dead and she isn't crazy! Darkheart's still here! Check Darkheart for any bites, he's the one who caused the flesh-eaters to eat us all!" I squealed. I could feel my fur ruffling up as I spoke, pure fear flooding my golden gaze.

"Flesh-eaters? Eat us all? Sunkit, that must've been one crazy dream you had there." Heatherleg mewed. She doesn't believe me! I'm telling the truth! How can she not believe me?!

"No! Please, believe me! They ate all the Clans and you and I were the last cats in DarkClan and Poppyheart was the last of SpiritClan and Mudpaw and some others were still alive in LightClan!" I explained, panting, "Then we met up with Blood and Eclipse and these other Clan cats from ThunderClan and some other Clans and we almost all died and now all of a sudden I'm back here! Darkheart's going to kill us all! Get Pebblefur to check him out, please!" I pleaded, my voice getting louder as I spoke.

Heatherleg gave me a look and Pebblefur trotted out of the medicine den. "What's going on?" She mewed with her eyes narrowed and ears up straight.

"Sunkit's gone crazy. Is there medicine for that?" Timberpaw snarled. For a medicine cat apprentice, he sure didn't act like one. He was a rude brat!

"I'm telling the truth! Darkheart's infected!" I squeaked and Pebblefur gave me a kind look. "He isn't infected and you're not crazy, Sunkit. What you saw that seems like a realistic dream, was the past that was changed." 

Heatherleg gave Pebblefur a look of bewilderment and I just sat down, full blown amazed. I knew it was real...

Leopardstar padded over. Her eyes were hard and serious like always. "What's all the commotion and yelling about?" She hissed, her long tail lashing.

"I saw a vision of deadly, infected cats from Silverberry. It's too long to explain, though Sunkit did a pretty good job for me." Pebblefur mewed. 

All I could really think about was: Does Heatherleg still love me the way she did before?

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