Chapter 15 - Mudpaw's P.O.V.

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Who's back? P_A83! And I'm back with more ideas on how to keep this story going!

August 29th, 2017: I'm currently still editing this book along with the Hunger Games. I feel better knowing I've rewritten some parts along with fixing my mistakes!


I backed away cautiously as Leopardstar stumbled toward me. Her eyes twitched and they visibly drained of their original color. She had no visible bite marks but I could tell she was infected. "She's infected!" I yowled and everyone broke into a panic.

Leopardstar twitched and growled, stepping forward more. "Run!" I yowled and everyone pelted away. Leopardstar was still in contact of her own body but the infection was spreading quickly. She bounded toward us without hesitation. "What do we do?" I gasped, grabbing Sootkit who was trying to catch up with the run-away group.

Sootkit squealed and Lilypatch looked over her shoulder, giving everyone a worried look. "Someone has to push Leopardstar down into the gorge! It's the only way, we can't outrun her!" Lilypatch yowled. I knew I couldn't, I had Sootkit in my jaws. I didn't want to be selfish, but I couldn't just shove her off the gorge. I'm not nearly strong enough to shove a tall, muscular leader off of a gorge! For StarClan's sake, I'd be taken down with her!

Boldfang and Blackpaw departed from the group while Lilypatch waved her tail to signal us to stop. The two cats ran at Leopardstar and called her to the edge of the gorge. Blackpaw stepped back until his hind paws were just on the edge, almost off of it.

Leopardstar stumbled toward the edge of the gorge and just as she neared the edge and the two cats, they skidded to the side and both shoved her off. I swallowed as I saw her paws gripping the edge. She still has some contact to reality... I realized, handing over Sootkit to Poppyheart and rushing over. Redfur sat beside her with Ebonykit at his paws.

"Help, I'm falling!" Leopardstar gasped, her eyes back to normal. "Why aren't you helping me? Help me you cowards!" Boldfang held Blackpaw back and the rest of the group rushed over.

Boldfang shook his head and whispered, "I'm sorry..." Heatherleg looked away and covered Sunkit's eyes with her tail. The black warrior, once Leopardstar's wisest warrior, unhooked the old DarkClan leaders' right paw from the edge. She growled and let go by herself, her eyes clouded again. Leopardstar was completely a flesh-eater by then. 

"We have to leave this place." Lilypatch announced and we all exchanged glances. "Why?" Blackpaw murmured, tipping his head to the side. "Yeah, why? It would put us in more danger!" Heatherleg hissed.

"Look around. This side is a graveyard! No prey in sight, no herbs for sickness, and barely any trees or bracken or anything to make nests when leaf-bare comes!" Lilypatch explained, flicking her tail to the field. It was as empty as she had said. The only possible prey to ever come around were birds.

No one answered Lilypatch so she continued, "We're going to die out here." Lighteningice and Heatherleg exchanged worried glances and I sighed.

"We might as well go. What else do we do?" I muttered and Blackpaw nodded, agreeing.

Boldfang dipped his head. "We should go. Now, before anything else happens." Lilypatch dipped her head and we set off.

Silence surrounded the group as we grieved for the deaths of Squirreltail, Viperslash, and Leopardstar. I could sense no one was going to grieve for Reedstar. Sunkit mewled, crying out to Heatherleg as she dangled from her mouth, "Heatherleg... I'm hungry!" She wailed and Sootkit and Stormkit cried out as well.

"Can we have milk now? I'm hungry!" Sootkit wailed loudly. Stormkit wailed too and soon, all three were wailing for anything they could eat. Flesh-eaters on the other side of the gorge came to the edge and didn't think twice before stepping off the cliff. Not a scream came from their hungry jaws as they plunged into the river.

"Sunkit, Sootkit, Stormkit!" Lilypatch hissed, whipping around. The three kits were still crying out. Maybe because no one cared to answer them. "Be quiet. You'll have your food when we do. Enough!" The three kits sniffled and complained but didn't call out anymore.

We went down hill more, the wet grass making it hard to walk without slipping. "Halt!" Lilypatch yowled and we stopped at the bottom of the short hill. Where that ended it was flat, but another mudslide had happened and it was majorly steep. "We can't go down that without causing an injury," Boldfang mumbled.

"Is there another way, do you know?" I mewed, stepping forward. 

Lilypatch looked to the right and I did too. The mudslide went on, even out of our eyesight. The whole hill seemed to of collapsed. 

I couldn't see how we'd be able to get back to the other side without having to go around the lake in the first place anyway. Lilypatch and Cloudjaw kept their heads together and Poppyheart and Redfur joined in.

We waited for what seemed like seasons and finally, the four came to a conclusion. "The only way we can actually get across is to go into the gorge and swim to the other side." Cloudjaw mewed and Lilypatch gave a small nod. My jaw dropped. None of us could swim and we had four kits on top of that!

"Are you trying to kill us?" Heatherleg gasped, scooting Sunkit's puny body toward her stomach more. "Any other ideas? Someone is going to twist their ankles sliding down that mudslide. Rocks and sticks are all through it and we can't risk it. It's too steep." Poppyheart answered calmly.

"And you're willing to risk drowning, is what you're saying?" Blackpaw chimed in and I nodded, narrowing my eyes. "None of us can swim and we have four kits. We're better off jumping off the cliff and onto ground, we'd die both ways!" I complained. My tail lashed to and fro.

The two former deputies exchanged glanced. "Both ways could mean death, but we-" Cloudjaw started but Redfur raised his tail to silence him. "We should send someone down the hill with the kits and they can go to the lake and swim across. The rest of us should jump into the gorge," Redfur suggested and Lilypatch dipped her head after a heartbeat. 

"Yeah, alright. Lets just go kill ourselves. Yeah, good plan." I snarled, looking away. Blackpaw nodded, agreeing with me. "No thanks, I think I'd rather go with the kits because you three are as crazy as Reedstar and the flesh-eaters combined!"

"No. I want to see who can survive these things. Like, who's the toughest. Lighteningice, Heatherleg, Poppyheart, and Redfur go down the hill and across the lake with the kits. The rest of us, this is a test. We are going to either swim or drown." Lilypatch ordered.

Is there not a sane cat around anymore? I thought as I watched the eight cats go down the hill slowly. Rain started to come down lightly, but as I neared the edge, it began pelting down. Sighing, I crept closer until my heart lurched.

Here goes nothing...

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