Chapter 38 - Poppyheart's P.O.V.

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Feb. 17th, 2018: As you probably have noticed, the chapters don't make sense until I edit them. Sorry for any confusion! I'm still editing this book but I'm hurrying to finish! Enjoy!

Mothwing had grabbed the small amount of herbs that we still possessed with the help of Blood. In the midst of all the panic, I hadn't thought it was a bad idea for the half-infected cat to be handling the medicine. Even so, Mothwing handed him the less important herbs while she took medicine like goldenrod, catmint, and comfrey.

After picking up Sootkit and watching Heatherleg snatch Sunkit, we headed for the nearest tree. Worry sparked in my chest for Stormkit, but before anyone could hurry to help him, he had already managed to start climbing the trunk.

Sootkit let out a squeal of terror as flesh-eaters began to stumble over the barriers and into the camp. With my head pounding, I took off after Stormkit and shot up the tree. Sootkit closed his eyes and let out little whimpers. "Where's Lighteningice? You said she was out for a walk... What if the monsters get her...? I want Lighteningice!" His pleas rose to a wail as I plopped myself down next to Stormkit. Trembling, Stormkit glanced at me through wide eyes, pure panic shining in his bright yellow eyes. 

Glancing down to the ground, I searched the island for Mothwing, Blood, and Heatherleg with Sunkit, but they must have left the island instead of take to the trees. Setting Sootkit down beside his brother, I watched through helpless eyes as the most cats scurried up the trees and as the remaining ones took off into the lake. Mintfur and Blazefang scrambled up the other tree while Leafpool, Lionblaze, Rushpaw, and Squirrelflight took off out of the camp. They dodged the jaws of the flesh-eaters with ease and in moments they had disappeared into the darkness. 

Blackstar and Mistystar had already made their way up the tree nearest to them. My heart lurched as I realized Squirreltail wasn't climbing. She stood her ground at the base of the tree Mudpaw had climbed. As I braced myself to launch down to get Squirreltail myself, Bramblestar had beat me to it and hopped down and grasp Squirreltail in his jaws. As the large tabby tom climbed up the tree, I briefly witnessed Mudpaw slip off of the branch he clutched onto and plunged into the lake. 

Unsheathing my claws, I wondered if it was worth it to endanger myself to save Mudpaw. What about Sootkit and Stormkit? Will they be okay? I looked up into the trees and spotted Dovewing laying against Tigerheart. The dark tabby toms eyes were hollow as Dovewing shivered next to him. "Dovewing!" I called to her. She opened her eyes and peeked over the branch above me. "What is it?" She murmured, her eyes glancing from me to the two small kits. 

Looking into the pale grey she-cats eyes, I rasped, "Mudpaw fell... I have to save him. Please take care of Sootkit and Stormkit." Tigerheart and her exchanged a worried glance, but before they could argue, I dove for the lake. The last thing I heard before I plunged into the murky water was Sootkit letting out a cry. 

The water was freezing now as leaf-bare was approaching. The cold shocked my body as it enclosed around me, but I forced myself to stay under to search for the brown tom. As the bubbles rose to the surface from my body entering the lake, I strained to see but under the water in the dark, it was almost impossible to see anything. 

My heart began to race as I spotted air bubbles appearing from a cloud of mud. That has to be Mudpaw! I swam down until my ears popped from the pressure. Arms stretched out as far as they would go, I reached down until my paws hit something that was squishy, furry, and warm. My lungs began to ache as if someone was clutching onto them. I grasped Mudpaw's scruff with the last remaining air begging to be relieved and kicked off of the ground to hurry to the surface. 

Gasping, my vision wavered as my head broke the surface of the lake. My body felt as if it were going to fail on me as I clawed desperately through the chilly water. Solace washed over me as my paws finally touched solid ground. Dragging the unconscious tom onto shore, I laid Mudpaw down and flopped over beside him. Panting and quivering, I stood up and shook out my pelt before crouching beside his gaping mouth. A sharp pang stabbed my heart when no air came out. 

"Mudpaw, you stupid furball, get up!" I begged, shaking him vigorously. Water dripped from his jaws. Suddenly panicking, I put both front paws on his chest and pushed on it until water started to gush out of his mouth. "Come on, Mudpaw, breathe!" I whimpered as I continued to push. As I gave one final big push to his chest, his eyes shot open and he began to heave up the rest of the water. Spluttering and coughing, desperate for air, he rolled onto his stomach and wheezed.

Thank StarClan... I sighed, sitting down. Glancing around, I noticed there were flesh-eaters stumbling toward us. Fear sparked in my chest. "Mudpaw, can you run?" I mewed, turning to the young tom. He nodded and coughed a few more times before standing up. Mudpaw's legs were shaky and weak, but he was strong willed.

It was as if our only remaining friends were being torn apart before our eyes. Leafpool limped away from a pair of identical flesh-eaters, whimpering to herself. Blood was gushing from a wound in her leg. Rowanclaw was surrounded by a group of flesh-eaters and before Mudpaw and I could get to him, they had already consumed him. The dark ginger tom let out a ear piercing screech as the flesh-eaters tore him open. I turned toward the water to see Eclipse's black body washed up on the lakes' shore, her neck bitten open wide. Her bright yellow eyes, now painfully dull, stared off into nothing.

As we dashed away from the lake, I noticed Rushpaw was slashing wildly at a couple of flesh-eaters, backing into the lake. More infected cats were appearing out of the lake, going straight for the young apprentice. "Watch out, Rushpaw!" Mudpaw yowled, his voice cracking. In the midst of her struggle to survive, she didn't hear Mudpaw's desperate call. Flesh-eaters grabbed at her from behind and took her under the water. As she let out a squeal, I had to turn away from the gruesome sight.

Warriors everywhere were scattered as they tried to avoid the deadly bites of the undead. 

"We need to get out of here, Poppyheart! I'm sure they'll find us one way or another!" Mudpaw gasped, backing into me. I hesitated. How can we just leave our Clanmates? 

"Let's just find a tree or high ground and stay there until things calm down. We don't have to flee entirely from the territories!" I replied to the young tom and with a curt nod, we glanced around for a safe place to stay. As we searched, I spotted Bramblestar and Squirrelflight battling a growing group of flesh-eaters. The leader must have left the camp after I dove into the lake. Letting out a screech, some of the flesh-eaters turned and began to head for us. "Are you mouse-brained? Now they're going to come for us!" Mudpaw snapped. 

"Bramblestar, Squirrelflight, run!" I yowled after them. Bramblestar whipped around and nudged Squirrelflight to move. 

Pounding toward us, Bramblestar didn't stop to talk. "Forget the others, we can come back later. We will get killed here!" The thick tom panted, trotting by. Without any real direction, we took off toward the river. I spotted Lionblaze off to the side and without a word, he began to follow us.

And with that, we were on the run. Guilt churned my stomach as I realized I may never see Mothwing, Sootkit, Stormkit, or any of the Clan cats ever again. 

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