Chapter 2

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I came back into camp with Poppyheart at my side to find that the camp was in chaos.

Skyclaw was running from a stumbling Lionroar and Rockpaw. Magmapaw was chewing on Feathernose and Birdfeather was up on High Stone.

Blackpaw was attacking Rockpaw as I gazed around again, my eyes wide and jaw to the ground. Magmapaw looked up from eating Feathernose and stumbled to Bluewave. She was attacking Flamescar and Berryfur while the elders backed into the den from behind her.

"What is going on?" I yowled, panic edging my tone. Cloudjaw and Whitetooth ran over. "Reedstar! Get help! We couldn't keep back the three, they were pounding on it and then they pushed us and we were lucky not to be attacked!" Whitetooth panted.

Fools! Can't they do a simple task? I thought I taught you all be better? I wanted to scream at them, but I forced my words down and thought of a more calm response.

"The Clans don't believe us. Darkheart of DarkClan does, but he was bitten while seeing a rogue cat named Kay, who was one of the ones Scar showed me." I hissed. "Kill them with all the strength you have!" I ordered and they nodded, hesitating as they got near a flesh-eater.

I ran at Magmapaw from behind and broke her neck. She still didn't die. I gagged at the sight of her dangling head. I grabbed a rock from the High Stone, balancing on my hind legs, whacked it onto her head several times. Blood splattered everywhere as it plunged into her head.

I tried not to heave at the gruesome sight. I made a dry heaving sound and turned around.

I ran at Rockpaw and shoved him away. Lionroar heard it and began to stumble toward me. I kicked his leg out from underneath him and heard the crunch as his leg suffered the terrible blow. Lionroar only fell for a bit before he began to drag his leg, feeling no emotion other than hunger.

I backed away from the two flesh hungry cats.

I can't kill two! I can barely kill one!

My heart was racing and my mind was whirling in confusion. I began to panic. I ran between the two flesh-eaters and led them to the pile of rocks we called the High Stone.

The two flesh-eating cats stumbled for me and moaned as if trying to yell at me. They came to the High Stone where Birdfeather sat and where I stood.

I dropped a heavy rock down at them and it hit Lionroar straight in the eye, leaving a deep gash. Blood oozed out of it as he got up. I dropped another onto Rockpaw as he tried to climb up.

Rockpaw didn't try to stand after I hit him, the huge rock severing his skull and hit the brain. "Hit them in the head, get their brain! It's the only thing keeping them alive!" I called to the few surviving warriors.

"Reedstar! This isn't going to work! We can't kill them all! We need to flee," Cloudjaw insisted, running from Feathernose. She must've come back a few heartbeats ago.

Lionroar moaned and opened his jaws at Birdfeather and I. She whimpered and I climbed back down. "Retreat! Follow me! Hurry!" I called and Birdfeather rushed down and I pushed her along. Bluewave, Blackpaw and Whitetooth followed behind Birdfeather, Cloudjaw and I.

We rushed away as quick as we could. Oceantail and Skyclaw screamed in the camp and I pushed Birdfeather forward.

"Wait, what about my sister? Reedstar she needs us!" Bluewave wailed, stopping. "Are you insane, Bluewave? Did you not see what happened to Lionroar? Keep moving, they won't make it." I growled, keeping my eyes forward.

Bluewave hesitated for a while as we moved along. "What about the elders? They need out help!" She persisted, her eyes glazed with worry.

"Come on, they'll be with everyone else soon." I heard Blackpaw whisper and my ear flicked in annoyance.

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