Chapter 44 - Mudpaw's P.O.V.

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Still to come: Sunkit's P.O.V. and Poppyheart's P.O.V.!! Plus, these three cats P.O.V. is theirs because they're the only ones who remeber the flesh-eaters.

Note: These may be shorter than you hoped for! Sorry D:


Just as quickly as I was knocked out cold, I was woken up in LightClan. The sun was shining brightly and no one was in their dens. I padded out quickly, my heart thumping in relief and sudden hope. Crystalstar was chatting up a storm with Lilypatch and pure happiness filtered the warm camp. 

Patrols came in with their mouths filled with prey. No flesh-eaters, no fear.

My body wasn't terribly skinny and my fur was clean like I had just cleaned it. My eyes weren't heavy and I wasn't filled with a deep, utter sorrow that seemed to replace the happy in my heart.

The world faded away as my eyes caught with Snowpaw's. I should've treasured it more with her... I lost her and I don't want it to happen again! 

Her shiny, fluffy white coat was blowing in the breeze. Her short legs hopped gladly over to the fresh-kill pile and dropped it down. She turned around and raced toward me. Her nose touched mine and a spark was sent through me. Deerpaw and Spikepaw didn't even matter now, as much as I had missed them. Snowpaw seemed to mean more to me.

Her purple eyes were no longer white and blind, but filled with sight that can see from what seemed to be tail-lengths away. Her eyes shown brightly like a purple moon and squeaked, "Mudpaw! I missed you! I got a squirrel, did you see?" 

I was so astonished by her looks and bubbly personality that I didn't even follow her as she bounded away.

"Come on! It's huge!" She purred.

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