Chapter 6

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I was awakened by a sudden squeal. Sunkit shut up... I moaned, rolling away. Poppyheart's reassuring mew came from just whiskers away and my eyes shot open. Birdfeather's having her kits! No, come on! They'll only attract more flesh-eaters...

I stood up. Whipping around, I saw Poppyheart and Redfur working to help her. A kit was already by her belly.

"Just one more kit to go, Birdfeather," Redfur murmured in her ear. She groaned and glared at the LightClan medicine cat. Just like that, another kit was born. Do I have to name them? I wondered, padding over. I felt a bit happy, seeing two squeaking bundles squirming at Birdfeather's belly.

Their fur was wet and their eyes were closed. One was brown with grey paws, the other was completely black.

"You should name them," Birdfeather puffed. I swallowed. I knew I'd have to.

"The black one is a tom, the brown one is a she-kit," Poppyheart mewed. I nodded, thinking.

"The black one should be Ebonykit. The brown one should be Otterkit." Birdfeather nodded, her eyes glittering with love. "Ebonykit and Otterkit it is." She whispered, licking her kits' pelts. I nodded, my chest warming up as they suckled and pushed at each other.

Cats gathered around her and I was thankful. It was almost awkward. I backed away and bumped into Leopardstar. Her eyes were hard and dark as she towered over me.

"You don't like her, do you?" Leopardstar growled. I shrugged, standing straight and padding around her. "Well you should tell her before her heart gets broken!" I kept padding away and halted at the barrier. It was caving in.

"We need to fix the barrier," I hissed, looking over my shoulder at Leopardstar, "It's caving in."

"Whatever." She muttered, grabbing the last vine hanging from the cracks above.

I watched her as she carefully made her way across the narrow bridge to the barrier. I smirked as I noticed her tail trembling. I jumped as I turned around to see Bluewave. She dipped her head and watched Leopardstar with me.

"Lovely names you chose," Bluewave meowed. I nodded, "I hope they survive this mess."

Silence came after that. All I could hear was moaning and the delighted chatter of the kits. Sunkit, Sootkit and Stormkit were asking Birdfeather questions and trying to get at the two new kits.

Lighteningice guided them gently away with her tail. As the kits left, Whitetooth took their place, chatting up a storm with Birdfeather.

Jealousy crept into my heart and my tail whipped. As much as I had begun to dislike Birdfeather, she was still my mate. Not Whitetooth's.

I growled low and turned away quickly. The two kits came to mind and I started thinking about them. Otterkit seems like she'll be more social and quick, Ebonykit seems like he'll be the kind of cat who jumps into a fight, no questions asked.

If we do get attacked by flesh-eaters, which would I grab? Otterkit is a serious possibility but Ebonykit might be stronger and braver. Otterkit or Ebonykit? I'm sure I will find a way to grab them both. I wondered, narrowing my eyes.

I watched the barrier as it bounced and began to cave in. Leopardstar's new vine wasn't going to hold up much longer, I feared.

A bloody face stuck out to me. The torn up face of it made it hard for me to make out who it was. I narrowed my eyes harder, trying to pin-point whom it was. But no name came to mind. It bugged me greatly that I couldn't make out who it was, or who it used to be anyway. Reluctantly, I pushed it to the back of my mind and stood up.

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