Chapter 31 - Lilypatch's P.O.V.

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The fact that Mudpaw used Reedstar's idea didn't anger me in the least. He earned the credit and attention while Reedstar deserved his name to never be spoken again. That selfish featherbrain was gone, to never be thought of or seen again...

"Mudpaw, since you bravely fought off the undead, I will kindly ask you to go eat and rest in camp. We will take care of the bodies," Mistystar meowed to the brown apprentice, gesturing with her thick grey tail to the island. He dipped his head and left the sharpened, blood-stained stick on the ground. He hurried to the tree, hopped onto it, and disappearing into camp without a word.

"There is no doubt about it, leaving their bodies to dissolve in the lake will poison us." Blackstar muttered to the other two leaders. 

Mistystar dipped her head and sat down with a sigh. There were more bodies than we could even count scattered along the ground and floating in the marsh. The ground I stood on was pooled with blood, and I wondered if the rain would ever be able to wash away the crimson stains. 

"Then where are we going to put these... things?" Bramblestar hissed, looking over his shoulder. The brown tabby leader glared at the bodies through narrowed eyes. His tail lashed from side to side and I watched him flex his claws into the soil. The leaders exchanged looks with each other then looked to me. 

I swallowed nervously and raised my chin. "The water could already be polluted with the infected blood... We should collect as much water from the river until it rains, and then the clouds will do the work for us. I'd imagine Twolegplace would have something solid and hollow to collect it in." I suggested, glancing from one leader to the other.

Behind them, Nightcloud and Mintfur pushed the waterlogged bodies out of the marsh and let them lay on the shore. The leaders looked considered it, their heads bowed together in conversation. Every now and again they would peek over at me. My shoulder fur threatened to spike up, unsure of what they were saying.

Mistystar let out a purr. "Why are these cats so much smarter?" She padded away from the other leaders and stood beside me. The two tom leaders didn't seem at all amused, giving her a serious, hard stare. After a long time of just piercing silence, Blackstar finally broke the silence. 

"We'll go with your idea, Lilypatch. I'll have to admit, I'm almost jealous of your Clans' intelligence, but what's the sense in being jealous when we have your group with us now?" Blackstar stated, chin raised. He trotted over to me and suddenly I felt like a small kit. He practically towered over me, his eyes hollow and blank. The ShadowClan leader continued, "We will leave now, since the sun is just rising."

Turning to Bramblestar and Mistystar, he flicked his ear and mewed, "You two stay here and send patrols out and keep everything normal. Don't let the warriors touch the dead anymore, please. And Lilypatch-" He turned back toward me, ordering, "grab Lionblaze, Tigerheart, Nightcloud, and Heatherleg. She has to let Sunkit grow up before she is fully attached to her." 

At the sound of her name, Nightcloud waded through the marsh to stand beside me. I nodded to Blackstar and rushed away, dodging the bodies that were scattered along the ground. Flies buzzed around them as they began to decay rapidly. Jumping up onto the tree-bridge, I scampered across and hopped down.

"Heatherleg, Lionblaze, Tigerheart! You have to come with Blackstar and I to Twolegplace!" I called as I entered the cleared. They raised their heads from their friends, interrupting their meals, and said their farewells to the cats they were with.

None of the three I had called upon had argued, only padded toward me and then past me. My stomach growled for fresh-kill but right then and there, I couldn't of cared less about eating. We had to get water before nightfall.

Sunkit rushed over to the log, following Heatherleg. It was obvious Heatherleg was trying hard not to look behind her. "Wait! I'm coming!" Sunkit called, clawing at the huge tree-bridge. I put my paw in front of her chest, stopping her. She peeked over my leg and tried to maneuver around it. "Move!" She whined.

"Sunkit," I murmured, lowering my head to her golden, small head, "Heatherleg has to leave to do important duties. She'll be back, don't you worry. You stay here with Sootkit and Stormkit, you'll have fun. Soon you will be able to do the same things she does!" I reassured.

She hesitated for a while and opened her mouth to protest, but before she could, Lighteningice came over and grabbed her tiny scruff. Sunkit's eyes didn't leave the tree-bridge, letting out a whimper.

Dipping my head, I rushed over the tree-bridge and ran toward the graveyard. Then it hit me. Graveyard... Couldn't we just... Bury the dead? 

"Why don't we just bury the dead?" I called to the waiting cats as I leaped off of the tree-bridge.

Mistystar glanced over to me. "I was thinking that as well, but then I thought, what if the blood infected the ground and seeped into the water? We don't quite know how close the water is to the ground below, so either way if we get the Twoleg stuff and fill it with water, we don't have to worry." She replied with a warm stare. I nodded, Good thinking...

"Alright, keep everyone away from the marsh and this island. We'll be back - hopefully - by nightfall, maybe midnight if we have troubles finding something we can use." Blackstar meowed over his shoulder. Following in beside Nightcloud, her fur black as night and her eyes hard and serious, I thought, Good choice in name, it explains her well. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye.

I focused forward, padding off of the smaller island and into the marsh water. It surrounded me, making my pelt cling to my scrawny shape. We wadded out of the water in the marsh, heading east toward the huge Twolegplace. I looked to the sky to see dark clouds moving in. Rain on its way and for once, I was looking forward to it. 

We finally stepped out of the mucky waters and trotted toward the fence where a rotting horse lay. The six of us went to a part in the fence where it was broken and smashed, splintering wood jutting out. 

Hopping over it, the rest of them waited in silence for me to come. I dipped my head and we were on our way. 

Inside of the fence, I would usually feel safer, but the feeling of someone watching me made alarm spark through my body. Moaning came from outside of the fence, but none of them had their blind eyes gazing at me or the group.

Blowing it off, I tried to focus on the other fence. I ducked under it easily and waited patiently for Lionblaze and Heatherleg to come through. I dashed in sudden fear as the sound of a loud growl frightened me. From where I ducked into the fence, I could see a barn straight on. I had completely forgotten about the huge growl as I jumped the fence again to get to the entrance.

The huge wooden door had been broken down as if a horse had kicked it down and trampled it in fear. I wondered if it was the one laying down decaying. I shrugged off that thought too, and focused harder on the inside of the Twolegnest. I waited for everyone to come in behind me before I went in.

"I thought there was a second horse?" Tigerheart murmured to Lionblaze. The orange warrior shrugged and leaned in to whisper something I didn't catch.

"Alright. Nightcloud, stay back here and yell if anything comes or suddenly attacks you. We're going to search for anything to put water in." Blackstar informed the black, silent warrior. She dipped her head and plopped down without a word.

Lionblaze, Heatherleg, Tigerheart, and I followed Blackstar until he halted just below a wooden plank that was above us, held by pillars that were almost as wide as two cats combined.

"Split up. Lionblaze, Tigerheart, stay together. Heatherleg, Lilypatch, stick together. I'll be looking above, Lionblaze, look around inside and Lilypatch go outside around the barn," Blackstar ordered, eyes narrowed, "Meet here if you see anything useful, yell if you get attacked or see a flesh-eater and if you find nothing by nightfall, come back here." Blackstar drew a X in the dirt ground and dipped his head before trotting off. 

I turned tail and trekked toward the entrance again, Heatherleg at my heels. 

"I hope we find something useful..." Heatherleg sighed. I nodded, Me too... Me too.

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