Chapter 13

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Squirreltail, Viperslash and Mudpaw returned shortly after, rushing to me. They must have heard Venomsoul... 

"We heard a scream, where is Venomsoul?" Viperslash panted. They must've been running.

Think! Think! "We went to get prey and he must've been to close to the edge. He slipped down and before I could slide down to rescue him, flesh-eaters grabbed him." I lied, not making eye contact. Squirreltail narrowed her eyes at me as if she didn't believe me, but Viperslash's eyes filled with sorrow. I fought back a smirk. Mouse-brain.

"Oh," Was all Viperslash said. His head hung low and all I could think was, You two were from a different Clan for StarClan's sake. You shouldn't care what happens with those fox-hearts.

Before Mudpaw or Squirreltail could question Venomsoul's death, I stood up and pointed with my tail to the gorge. "We need to hurry down while they are still occupied with Venomsoul. Let's go while we can," I hissed and before anyone could argue, I rushed down the slippery, muddy hill.

The gorge wasn't too far from where I stood, I was nearly there by the bottom of the hill. I looked over my shoulder and watched Squirreltail, Mudpaw and Viperslash tearing through the mud.

I didn't bother waiting for them, they knew where to go. The flesh-eaters that didn't get a chance to get to Venomsoul turned from the scene. A herd of more showed up and all over again, I wished I was up high and away from the freaks. I would have done anything to curl up in my nest once more, with no worries to overrun my mind.

I glanced over my shoulder at the flesh-eaters gaining on me. They were coming from both directions by then. My legs surged with adrenaline and my heart pumped twice the speed as it was supposed to. My breathing came short and in a split heartbeat, I tripped over one of the dead branches and tumbled onto my face.

Squirreltail, Mudpaw and Viperslash took off past me as I fought to raise to my paws again. Mudpaw was the first to start to go across the bridge, Squirreltail shoving him forward. Just as Squirreltail and Viperslash got onto it, Leopardstar called over from the other side. "No! Don't run!" She warned, but it was too late.

The bridge cracked and creaked, then snapped when both Squirreltail and Viperslash hit the middle of it. "No!" I yelled, reaching down toward Squirreltails' falling body.

The two warriors hit the water with a deafening slap and I held my breath as I waited for them to break the surface. Horrified, moments went by with no sign of them. "Squirreltail!" I yowled, using all the air in my lungs. My voice bounced off the cliff walls, but neither of them appeared at the surface.

I looked up to the other side of the gorge and noticed Mudpaw was climbing up the cliff from the edge. His hind legs scratched at the rocks, pebbles falling to the rushing waters. Leopardstar didn't seem to notice. Redfur hurried to the edge and grabbed the young toms' scruff, yanking him to safety.

"Reedstar! Watch out!" Poppyheart called. As I turned to look behind me, I noticed Leopardstar didn't seem to care. Even from the other side I could see a glint of humor in her green eyes. I stood up straight and looked over my shoulder.

My eyes widened with shock. Letting out a gasp, I backed away to the very edge of the cliff. Flesh-eaters surrounded me, moans escaping their gaping mouths. Without a choice, I leaped into the gorge. 

No! I can't die! No, NO!

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