Chapter 25 - Cloudjaw's P.O.V.

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I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Stutters from no particular sentence escaped my jaws as I looked up to Mudpaw. Horror filled the young toms eyes as he backed away, speechless. Thick blood oozed from the flesh wound. The flesh-eaters surrounded me, their dripping jaws gaping and their eyes on the prize.

"Nooooo!!" Mudpaw screeched, his eyes wider than an owl's huge, mysterious gaze. My heart began to beat as if there were a bird in my chest and my head throbbed. I felt the teeth of the flesh-eaters chomp into me, but soon shock set in and I suddenly couldn't hear or feel anything. I let out a howl but it didn't register in my brain. 

The pain came in flashes; coming and going, just like my consciousness. It was excruciating, a burning sensation travelling to my brain. I didn't want to be left alone, but Mudpaw would be eaten along with me. He has a life to live... it can't end because of me.

"Go! Tell the group-" I managed to gasp out. I had to stop as the flesh-eaters chewed more and more on me. I tried to kick, but the muscles in my thighs had been ripped out and shredded. One grabbed my tail and bit down. Screaming again, I squeezed my eyes shut. Panting, I growled at Mudpaw with my teeth clenched so hard, I could've busted my teeth. "Tell the group to move on! Hurry!" Mudpaw hesitated, fear and grief making his blue eyes glossy. His hesitation didn't last long; within moments the tom was bounding away. 

It'll be over soon, I promised myself. Soon I'll be with Whitetooth...

As the infected savages continued to maul on my stained, torn open body, my head grew dizzy. I didn't even feel my head drop as the darkness consumed me.


Suddenly, I realized I was awake again. Am I in StarClan? I wondered, but I was soon filled with dread. I expected to be welcomed by Whitetooth and Birdfeather, but that wasn't the case. 

I was stumbling around, daylight burning my skin. I tried to stop moving so I could find out where I was, but I quickly noticed I wasn't in control. My eyes stared at the dying grass and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop, yell out, or even change direction. What's happening? Why aren't I in StarClan? 

I tried to scream, but all that came out was a low growl. Is this what it's like to die now? Is this how Whitetooth and Birdfeather felt? Did this nightmare ever end for them? Do I have to live this way forever, until someone puts me out of this dreadful misery? Thoughts whirled through my distraught head. No! NO! I have to find a way to die... I can't be like this forever!

There was no way to avoid the situation. I'm trapped. Trapped in the mangled, bloody body of my undead corpse.

As I tried to let out another screech, the words I wanted to say only stayed in my thoughts. Lilypatch! Mudpaw! Someone, anyone... Kill me! Praying to StarClan, I watched my deformed body wobble around aimlessly.

No! This can't be how I live... This isn't fair! 

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