Chapter 27 - Poppyheart's P.O.V.

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Blazefang sighed after he welcomed us to his old territory. He gazed through the pines wistfully as his tail lashed from side to side. Glancing around I quickly noticed there were no live cats travelling through the quiet forest. Placing my remaining herbs on the ground, I whispered, "Where is everyone?" 

The tom turned to face me, his gaze cold. "Scattered," Blazefang turned his head forward again, "We'll have to search for them." And with that, he began to lead us farther down the slope. Snatching my herbs, I followed in with Lilypatch and Blazefang leading. I watched his leg carefully as he slowly started to use it. Narrowing me eyes, I warned, "Be careful. I don't want my work on your leg to go to waste!" Blazefang only dipped his head.

As the group trekked in silence, the four kits began to mewl and complain. Lighteningice did her best to hush them - probably more out of fear than compassion - but even my stomach was beginning to growl and twist with pain. Before I could ask to stop and hunt, Blazefang spoke. "They'd most likely be by the lake or on the island. If they aren't there, they're either all dead or they left." 

"Why were you alone when we found you?" Mudpaw asked, hurrying forward to pad beside him. Ebonykit groaned with hunger. Blazefang sighed and for a moment, I thought he was going to ignore the question. Eventually he replied solemnly, "My selfishness got the best of me and I decided to fend for myself. Since I found your group, I thought it would be nice to bring you to the remaining cats."

I glanced around as the dense forest ended. I noticed a lake was to my left with a Twoleg half-bridge. We traveled through a neat grass square and my ears suddenly perked up as I heard the sound of rushing water. Another Twolegplace could be seen in the distance. Horses lay in their fields with their bodies torn open. A Twoleg paced in the fences.

"This way, hurry before that Twoleg breaks through the fence." Blazefang hissed, rushing toward the trees by the sound of the river. 

I rushed forward to catch up to him. "Can anyone swim?" He mewed when we got to the rivers edge. We all exchanged worried looks. "I'm the only warrior from DarkClan and we had a marsh. Not that we really swam much but I know how." Heatherleg mewed with Sunkit at her paws.

"You're the last one from DarkClan?" Blazefang asked, eyes narrowed in thought. Heatherleg shook her head and gestured to Sunkit. "Ambersun was her mother but..." She trailed off, swallowing.

I glanced over at Ebonykit as he squirmed in Mudpaws jaws. Are we really the last ones from SpiritClan? I gulped. "Ebonykit and I are the only ones left from SpiritClan..." I breathed. 

"That's right..." Redfur gasped. "I never realized that till now..." Lighteningice stated, giving me a sympathetic glance. "How am I supposed to keep my Clan alive? I can't have a mate and even if I could, the kits would be half-Clan! StarClan would never forgive me for breaking the medicine code." I shook my head, my eyes round.

"It'll be alright, Poppyheart. StarClan will understand! We'll make sure to keep you and Ebonykit safe." Mudpaw whispered as he brushed his fur together with mine. "Thanks," I smiled down at him. He sure was growing at a rapid pace. I remember when this first happened he was as small as a new apprentice. Now he is almost my height!

"Well it looks like we'll have to take the stepping stones. Follow me," Blazefang sighed, dashing away with his one injured front paw propped up. We followed him as he had ordered. I didn't know if I should trust him or not. Cloudjaw certainly wouldn't of. SpiritClan warriors always had a history of not trusting others, though...

I decided to go out of my comfort zone and follow him anyway. I'll have to trust him. If I'm going to find a way to survive, this is how.

I slowed to a stop with the group just behind me. The river was churning quickly but I assumed with the lack of rain, the river was lower than usual. You could see the dirt under the grass shore on the other side. "We could easily get across this!" Eclipse insisted, jumping in and wading through. Blazefang halted to watch her. The current pulled at her dark legs but she trekked through anyway. It was barely past her knees at the deepest point. She got across with barely any trouble.

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