Chapter 41 - Mudpaw's P.O.V.

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Note: This chapter is Mudpaw's dream and only that. (The past few dreams he has had is exactly what this chapter will explain). Enjoy~


I woke up on an endless Thunderpath, the black ground stretching on for what seemed to be forever. The forest was on either side of the Thunderpath, but as I padded to go into them, I noticed gorges were there, making me second guess about trying to get across. It looked like it went down into the infinity.

When I looked up from one of the gorges, a white she-cat stood there. She was smaller than me, and agonizingly familiar. 

Her piercing purple eyes stared up at me silently. Her fur was fluffy like a fresh layer of snow and her eyes were big and bright. 

My heart felt like it was in my throat, like a ball of emotion was stuck there and refused to go down. The she-cat's scent made me feel calmer, relieving my anxiety. The she-cat made me happier. 

I blinked silently at the familiar she-cat and just breathed in her scent. She made me feel like I was back in the LightClan apprentice den. 

Suddenly, the adorable, wonderful little she-cat twitched fiercely. Her eyes switched from her welcoming purple eyes to a white that was as white as her snow colored fur. The color of her eye was pushed away by the white from her pupil to the lining of her eye. 

I flinched and my eyes widened; I wanted to ask her if she was alright, but I found no voice.

Her eyes then switched permanently from purple to white as if she were blinded. Then she twitched more than the first time, happening like a seizure. 

She made a gurgling sound and suddenly blood was pouring out of her mouth. A puddle of blood laid at her tiny paws, staining them a rusted color. Rapidly, her body began to decay, fur falling out like leaves falling from trees. 

She stopped convulsing and took a shaky step toward me. 

The feeling of welcoming from her quickly went to alarm. Not only because the mysterious she-cat turned into a flesh-eater, but also because she was Snowpaw. 

Guilt, love, fear, anger and shock welcomed me as her eyes no longer did. My jaw dropped and I took a step back. 

I took the step back, coming closer to her. I smiled a crooked smile, my skin feeling warm as if I was going to faint and my heart fluttered. I laid out a paw for her and touched her head just behind her missing ear. I then found my voice and murmured, "Lets get you home, you're nearly frozen..."

I swallowed as her mouth opened to try and grab my arm as it vibrated in a mixture of fear and relief. I wanted her to chase me; I felt like she was still alive suddenly. We used to chase each other as kits and early apprentice-hood. Please keep chasing me....

My breath came short, her face suddenly flashing to one of the days when we played together, her face lit up in happiness and her eyes wide. It stayed, but sudden flashes came as if my body was warning me. "I don't care if you're contagious... I would kiss you even if you were dead. You're mine. I'll always love you, my dear, dear Snowpaw. They'll never take us alive, we'll be okay." I breathed, touching my nose to hers.

I went around her to stand beside her. She hadn't grown since the last time I had seen her, but I had. Her blind eyes traveled over to me, using her ears and nose as a guide. I smiled down at her. 

I'll never let her go... She can stay in my dreams every night, as long as she stays with me. She's frozen, but that's alright... 

"I'll never let you freeze... without me. I'll be here for you, Snowpaw..."


The music video I am providing is some of the lines he says, read this then listen to it! [Only till 1:05 is the song I'm talking about xD !]

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