Chapter 42 - Silverberry's P.O.V.

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"Shadesoul," I breathed as I watched over the departing Clans. "You know this is your kins' fault, don't you?" The grey she-cat shot her head toward me and narrowed her yellow eyes. "This is the Twolegs' fault, not my kin!" She hissed, her fur sticking up.

"Your kin has been doing things against the Warrior Code for seasons. Your mother and father both were murderers and their siblings had always stolen prey from other Clans. Then you had a kit with the DarkClan warrior, Mousefoot. Reedstar was never supposed to happen. Your kin was punished by the infection. Your kin killed many of the lives in the Clans, thanks to your rebellious actions," I corrected her, my ears laid back flat and my eyes narrowed.

"I did no such thing! It was love, and not just some lousy Clan borders and Codes were going to keep me from seeing him," Shadesoul muttered as she stood up to leave.

"But even so, you must want to change something. You know deep down Reedstar was a mistake to the Clans. I know how to fix this, Shadesoul." I meowed, swallowing in hope.

"I know he was a mistake, but he is my kit and I can't just kill him." Stated Shadesoul. Her eyes wandered away as she faced the East. 

"We don't have to kill him, we will go into the past and warn Mousefoot away. Your relationship made the Clans suffer, but it doesn't have to be like this anymore." I reasoned. Standing up, I approached the grey she-cat.

"The fate of many lies in your paws," I whispered. 

Before I could go, she called after me, "Wait, I'll do it. If the Clans get to survive and go about their normal, stupid days, than so be it. How do we do this?" I looked over my shoulder and looked deep into her eyes and dipped my head. 

Shadesoul was obviously irritated about doing good, since she had always been a rebel like the rest of her kin. 

"But, my whole kin has done bad... Why will Reedstar be the key to fixing the world?" Shadesoul asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion. 

"He's the cat that did it over for all of us." I mewed simply. I widened my eyes and stared deep into Shadesoul's yellow eyes and suddenly, we were in a dense forest. It was like Shadesoul was leaving the Clans to see Mousefoot.

The sun was gone and the moon was out fully, the stars twinkling above. No moaning or yowls came from deep within the forest. 

Shadesoul was no where to be seen, and as I spun around in search for the snarky she-cat, I noticed the past Shadesoul was with Mousefoot already. Tails entwined and nuzzling each other, the dead Shadesoul suddenly entered the past Shadesoul's body. There she is... I smiled, ducking down as the forbidden couple opened their eyes.

"Mousefoot... There is something I have to tell you, and you have to believe me no matter how crazy and stupid it sounds!" Shadesoul gasped, backing away. 

"As much as I love you, I can't be your mate. If I have Reedstar - er, I mean any future kits with you, the Clans will be punished for it! We have to go back to our normal, yet stupid, boring and pointless, lives like the rest. It's for the best." Shadesoul mewed, her eyes bright and serious.

"Reedstar? Punishment? You are crazy... You just want to have that Cedar-snitch as your mate instead of me. You must've gotten in trouble for it and you want to blame it on me, huh?" Mousefoot gasped, standing and taking a step back. "No, Mousefoot, it isn't like that. I've seen the future, it's true! Please-" Shadesoul begged but Mousefoot had enough of it.

"Enough! This is a load of dirt! You could've just told me straight on that this wasn't going to work instead of foolishly and selfishly lying to me! Goodbye, Shadesoul." He hissed as he rushed away. He never looked back.

The ground beneath our paws begun to shake and our bodies faded until we were back in StarClan.

"Great, now Reedstar will never be born, Snowpaw, Venomsoul, Birdfeather and many other cats that did not deserve to die will not die as they had when Reedstar existed." I panted, suddenly excited. 

The grassy ground that was beneath our feet in StarClan gave way to a hole that sparkled and they showed us the scattering Clans.

"Why aren't they back to normal?" Shadesoul growled. Anger was starting to boil up inside of her. 

"Just wait... It'll all play out." I whispered.

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