Chapter 40 - Lilypatch's P.O.V.

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Holy shit I didnt mean for this to end up like The Walking Dead .____.


A flesh-eater stumbled toward Mothwing who was helping Tigerheart out. He seemed to have a small gash in his leg, as if he had fallen on something sharp. He clenched his teeth as tightly as he could with his eyes squeezed shut.

I charged for the flesh-eater, dove for it and smashed straight into its side. It let out a howl as the air was forced out of its stomach and blood was practically squeezed from its mouth. 

Mothwing's head flew over her shoulder to see what the noise was. Shock filled her bright yellow eyes and as she realized I had saved her, she dipped her head in thanks. I didn't do much to say your welcome, only circled the two as Mothwing worked on Tigerheart's leg. 

"The scent of his blood is attracting them. Hurry," I hissed over my shoulder. My fur was standing on end in fear and anxiousness. 

After a while of a few attacks from flesh-eaters and groaning from Tigerheart, Mothwing confirmed we could leave. As she had finished up the wound, Leafpool had joined in to she her a few tricks.

I spotted Poppyheart, Mudpaw and a few others dashing off up to ShadowClan's old territory. "There! Poppyheart is taking a group down RiverClan territory! Come on!" I gasped over my shoulder. 

"Leafpool, help Tigerheart walk. Tigerheart, keep your leg up. Lilypatch lead the way while I take the rear with the herbs." Mothwing ordered. Her ears were scanning for any sounds of flesh-eaters. My heart pounded and I trotted ahead. 

"Wait for us, Lilypatch!" Leafpool growled and I slowed down. "Sorry, I'm just worried and anxious..." I muttered.

The night went on agonizingly slow. Flesh-eaters with their gaping jaws and blind eyes had tried to get at Tigerheart, but I had come to the rescue. 

"Poppyheart! Mudpaw! Wait up!" I yowled, using my voice from deep inside my lungs. They didn't seem to hear me. "I'll run ahead and get them to wait, try to hurry up!" I called over my shoulder. The three nodded but didn't look anything more than impressed.

I dashed forward as fast as I could, charging toward the group until something grabbed at my ankles. 

I don't know what is was and I never thought about it, but as I tripped, I rolled down to the river. My head was shoved underwater. I used all my breath trying to scream for help and as my lungs began to beg for air, I started trying to get my head up. Panic settled in and I used every bit of air to try and get up and scream. 

My eyes shot around the river but nothing there would help me. I tried and tried but my brain decided to try to breathe in air. 

All it got was water. 

Whatever was holding me down was suddenly shoved off of me. My head shot out of the water without me saying so and trying to take in air, I began to choke.

"Cough, Lilypatch, just cough it up." Mothwing soothed. I coughed and coughed until my lungs ached. Sweet, sweet air... 

I took in as much as much air as I could. In the corner of my eye I saw Bramblestar beating on Reedstar.

Bramblestar pinned the black, selfish tom down. Reedstar hissed in his face, spatting all over him. With his scrawny arms, he slashed at the leaders eyes and let out a huge growl. 

"Go on, I'll catch up!" Bramblestar yowled. I took in as many breaths as I could as we began to run off. 

I pushed Mothwing away as she tried to help me walk and trotted forward. "Where are we going?" I muttered.

"We're going to walk the Thunderpath until we find somewhere to stay. Hopefully - even though it sounds stupid - we'll run into a Twoleg. They might take us somewhere safe." Lionblaze wheezed, holding his leg up and trying to catch up to me as I started to speed up. 

"I guess that's a good plan." I murmured, my voice threatening to brake. I began to wheeze which was quickly fixed by coughing it away.

Just as soon as we had started padding toward the Thunderpath, it seemed to come to us in mere heartbeats. The river was coming from under the Thunderpath with a large hole with rectangular stones lining the edge of it. Stones protected the edge of the Thunderpath to keep anything from falling off and into the river.

Raising my tail for the others to halt, I took the lead and checked out the Thunderpath. A totalled monster laid in the ditch, smoke twirling from it's head. The glass eyes had no light and no Twoleg was in it's stomach. Not a live one anyway.

Twolegs stumbled around the monster, groaning with their arms limp and practically dangling from their pale skin. Their fur on their heads was knotted and bloody.

They were shuffling the opposite way we were planning on going. "Don't make any noise, they're going the opposite way we're going. Let's go." I hissed. Bramblestar ran up to the group just as I had turned around. He dipped his head in agreement. 

"Did you take care of the problem?" I muttered and he nodded. Poppyheart and Mudpaw took the lead while Bramblestar and I stuck to the back. 

I felt awkward standing beside him, he was at least a head taller than me. 

"You're tall." I purred.

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