Chapter 32 - Heatherleg's P.O.V.

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I padded along with Lilypatch out of the broken entrance and into the darkening sky. The clouds were moving in quickly as the wind was picking up speed. My fur was blown the opposite way as we headed down the barn, in between the fence.

My claws were unsheathed, tearing up the dead grass and dirt. I was prepared for anything to pop out with their jaws gaping wide... Moaning came from inside of the fence and I forced myself not to look. A gurgling sound came after each moan, almost sounding like someone was choking on blood. I swallowed as my stomach churned.

"I think that still cat's alive!" Lilypatch halted, her ears perked. She peeked through the gaps in the fence, her fur bristling. I followed her gaze to see a cat stumbling toward us. It's eyes weren't clouded over like the rest of the infected, instead they were bloodshot and yellow. "Hewp... me..." It stammered, blood dripping from its jaws.

Gulping, I forced myself to head toward our destination. "We should keep moving, he won't survive." I muttered, keeping my head down.

"Don't you think the cat would already be dead? Look at the bite wound! It's already scabbed over." Lilypatch insisted. She was still in the same spot. As she glanced over at me, I narrowed my eyes at her. "We should bring him to Poppyheart and Red-" She trailed off, looking to her paws and letting out a sigh. 

How could she forget such a terrible thing? I wondered. Pushing the thought of cuffing her ears to the back of my mind, I hurried along. "Come on! They're expecting us to find something useful!" I growled, lashing my tail.

Lilypatch continued to talk about the dying tom as we trotted to the back of the barn. "Poppyheart might be able to experiment on him. Should we bring him back?" She suggested as she caught up with me and I didn't reply. Through the corner of my eye I watched her glance back at the whimpering tom several times. Neither of us spoke as we came to the back corner of the barn. Peeking around, I recoiled at the smell wafting from a hollow, grey Twoleg-thing on its sidebeside the bright red wall. A foul smelling sludge had formed a puddle around the dented object. Flies buzzed around the sludge and for a moment, I wondered if it was worth it to clean it out. 

"This is what we need. It has a handle and everything!" Lilypatch exclaimed. 

I flicked my ear and tried to push it with a paw. The sludge was hardened and almost acted like sap from a tree, keeping it from moving easily. "We'll have to clean it out really good. You never know what those ugly Twolegs could have been up to..." 

"Omeone... pwease hewp m-me..." The cat let out a moan from behind the fence. It sounded as if he had no tongue. I jerked my muzzle over my shoulder and I spotted the torn up cat. His gaze locked onto mine for a few heartbeats, sending a shiver down my spine. I swallowed again and turned toward Lilypatch. I finally answered Lilypatch's suggestion, "Maybe we should take him back to camp. He seems stable and he isn't trying to eat us..."

Lilypatch's eyes lit up and she dipped her head. "Grab the hollow thing, I'll talk to the half-infected." Lilypatch murmured near my ear. I nodded and pushed it onto the open side. By hitting the sides I managed to get most of the gunk out. After tipping it back over, I grabbed the thin handle and began dragging it toward Lilypatch. The stink was still there, making my eyes water. 

Lilypatch ducked under the fence and began stalking toward the half-infected. I let the hollow object sit on its base as I watched intently. He was panting and swallowed continuously. His eyes were flooded with dread and pain. If he can still feel emotions and pain, I think we might be able to save him!

"Come with us, we can help you!" Lilypatch soothed. Her fur was spiking up and her tail trembled. Lilypatch nudged the torn up cat toward the fence she had ducked under. The tom opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. I noticed with a jolt that he really didn't have a tongue; half of it was gone! "We're going to take you to our medicine cat. It isn't too far from here." Lilypatch meowed softly, her eyes wide and kind.

The bloody cat nodded and followed in beside Lilypatch at the fences edge. We got to the entrance and Nightcloud stood up, alarmed. "Are you insane? Get that infected featherbrain out of here!" She snarled, fur spiked up along her spine as she unsheathed her claws.

I shook my head, "We think he's only partly infected. He can feel pain!" Nightcloud ignored my statement and growled at the half-infected tom. She stood in the way of the barn entrance.

"Heatherleg, take the pale inside. You two-" Nightcloud ordered, then turned to Lilypatch and the unknown cat. "will be staying here." She growled. Pale? I wondered. I rolled my eyes. She was better when she was silent. I thought as I trotted into the barn. As it turned out, Blackstar was waiting for in the center of the barn for our return. He nodded to me. "There you are. Good, I found one as well." Blackstar meowed, gesturing with his white tail to the hollow object. Or pale, whatever it's called.

I dipped my head. "It will need to be cleaned out, but it still holds water." Dropping the pale next to his, I shuffled my paws. How will I ask?

"Blackstar..." I began slowly, "Lilypatch and I found an injured cat... Could we help him?" I asked. That wasn't what I meant... He's going to think just an injury! He's going to be furious... He narrowed his eyes, standing up. "Once I confirm he isn't bitten then-" Blackstar meowed, starting to pad toward the entrance.

I interrupted him before he could leave, "Actually, what I meant was that he is half-infected. I think we should get Poppyheart and Mothwing to use any herbs they can find to try and cure him. If it won't work, then... we can kill him." I meowed, cowering down to the ground as he took a step toward me.

"Why in StarClan's name would I let him into the camp, let alone risk our last medicine cat and your last medicine cat for that? I know for a fact that this is mouse-brained!" Blackstar snapped, glaring down on me. He turned to leave again.

I hurried after him, pleading, "Please, he can still feel pain and he understands what we say! We could cure him, Blackstar. I know it's a slim chance but-" I could hear a growl creeping up his throat, but he kept his anger to a minimum. "Fine, but he is to stay outside of camp at all times." Blackstar hissed through clenched teeth.

I dipped my head and rushed passed the huge tom, out of the barn. I heard Blackstar padding out with Tigerheart and Lionblaze. Halting outside of the barn, I saw Nightcloud sitting by the wall, eyes glued to the unknown half-infected cat.

"We're leaving." Blackstar announced, taking the lead as he leaped over the fence. Tigerheart and Lionblaze were carrying the pales. They had to keep their heads strained to keep the pales off of their paws since they were as tall and wide as them.

I felt raindrops start hitting my pelt softly as we began to trek back to the island. Though as we left the Twolegplace, the rain was coming down faster and harder. I could hear the raindrops hitting the inside of the two pales, and soon it seemed it was already filling. 

"It 'ings..." The cat murmured, his eyes round with worry. He meant 'it stings' right? I wondered. Without his tongue, it must've been terribly hard for him to talk. The blood and dirt that was on his pelt from the wounds were washing away. I couldn't imagine being torn open and then dragging yourself toward others. 

"What? It stings?" I asked and he nodded.

"We'll get some herbs for your wounds," I whispered. He smelt like crow-food, as if the mouths of the flesh-eaters stained him with their stench. 

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