Chapter 12

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We trotted out of the Twolegplace as quietly as we could. I wondered what made them disappear. Did the group chase them out or something? Or did a non-infected Twoleg make a huge bang? They don't just wander off like that.

I pushed it to the back of my mind as I caught sight of a single flesh-eater. "Avoid any flesh-eaters. We have nothing to fight them with this time," I warned and they nodded, stalking quietly around it. It seemed content just standing there anyway, moaning to itself.

Looking forward, I noticed we had came to a steep hill. Fresh mud was there as if a mudslide had occurred over night. "Do you think that's why the flesh-eaters are gone?" Mudpaw whispered, peeking over the edge.

"This is far from Twolegplace, something had to of drawn it out." I replied dryly, looking down the hill. Rocks jutted out of the steep hill with sticks and a small fallen tree laying on top. The rain must've made it fall. At the bottom of the hill were tons - and I mean tons - of flesh-eaters. Some lay still while the majority roamed around, dragging their paws through the thick muck. 

Just beyond that, of course, was the gorge and the fallen tree bridge. No flesh-eater was trying to cross it, only StarClan knows why. They're as dead in the brain as mice!

Even with the massive rain storm each of the infected down the steep hill were covered from head to paw in mud. Groaning and growling, none of them seemed to care if it slipped into their mouths. "How are we supposed to get to the gorge with this mess?" Venomsoul spat, his ears plastered to his head, and we all shrugged.

"We could go around?" Squirreltail suggested, tail flicking in impatience.

I thought for a heartbeat. It might work, but we don't know if it's empty or more filled with flesh-eaters... Maybe we could throw rocks to the side? They could be attracted to sound, since they look and act blind.

"Gather rocks and throw them to the side. Make as much noise over there as possible." I instructed and Squirreltail, Mudpaw and Viperslash trotted off. Venomsoul didn't move.

With a flick of my ears, I watched the dark grey tom sit and do nothing. "Aren't you going with them?" I mewed, narrowing my eyes, and Venomsoul glanced over at me. "I was about to ask you the same thing," He muttered and looked back to watch the flesh-eaters.

"Alright," I mused, unable to think of another thing to say. A few heartbeats of quiet caused my fur to bristle up until the tom finally spoke. I only relaxed for a moment. "So... I heard you killed Snowpaw?" Venomsoul murmured. I could tell he was avoiding eye contact. My fur remained up with a hostile feeling pulsing through me.

"Who said that?" Growling my reply, I found myself kneading my claws into the soft earth. My heartbeat sped up. Which one spoke about me? I bet it was Mudpaw... Squirreltail would never...

"I asked you a question. When you answer that, I'll answer you." Venomsoul answered evenly. He watched the trio kick rocks and the infected as they followed the noise.

I sighed but reluctantly, I spoke the truth. "Yes, but she was slowing us down anyway. Now answer mine." Venomsoul looked over at me and I swore a glint of hatred flashed in his pale green eyes. His eyes reminded me of snakes and their venom. No wonder his mother named him Venomkit. I thought, narrowing my eyes.

Venomsoul smirked and I tried not to look hostile. Venomsoul stood up and unsheathed his claws. Hostility made my tail bush up and my own claws slide out. "Snowpaw could've been a great warrior and you killed her? What did she ever do to you?" He snarled, taking a step forward.

"So what?" I sneered and he took another step forward. Baring my teeth, I stood up and prepared for a fight. "Back off, Venomsoul, or I'll make you wish you had," I growled but he didn't back off.

I backed away a few more paces and Venomsoul followed. I noticed his muscles bunching up, ready to pounce. When Venomsoul finally lunged for me, I was ready. I moved out of the way - away from the hill - and jumped up. Shoving into his side, I witnessed him go tumbling down the muddy hill. I didn't feel a change in emotion, not even slightly.

My heart went back to it's regular pace as Venomsoul let out a bloodcurdling screech. Flesh-eaters changed direction and tore at his body as I sat back and watched.

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