Chapter 22 - Cloudjaw's P.O.V.

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Nightfall came and Squirreltail was still snoring softly. The two medicine cats had worked nonstop trying to get her ankle straight again, and fortunately their hard work had paid off. Her ankle was perched up on the side of her nest, wrapped with bindweed to keep the rush straight. Redfur laid in behind her only whisker-lengths away. They were siblings, but there was no way you could tell. The only resemblance was their attitude and fur color. They barely talked and certainly didn't show affection toward one another. Personally, Whitetooth and I had always been close. There was a sharp pang in my heart. Squeezing my eyes shut, I took a deep breath and pushed my brave brother to the back of my mind. Silently, I prayed to him. May StarClan light your path... 

I flicked my tail as we curled up and ate the little prey we could catch. The amount of prey that was being killed by the infected was painful to the group; we were nothing more than a bag of bones. Even the mouse I was finishing wasn't enough to satisfy my empty stomach. 

"Do you think we'll survive this?" Mudpaw whispered, shuffling his paws. I gazed up from the remainders of my kill. I hesitated, startled by the random question. "I can't promise anything, but we're Clan cats. We've always been strong." I replied, keeping my eyes down. I had to because no one else would answer.

Mudpaw looked up but didn't say anything more, glancing at the others. Lilypatch ducked her head down and hissed in my ear, "We're running low on prey. We have to leave soon." I gave her a look and nodded.

Suddenly the newcomer stretched and casually mumbled, "I've heard about a herd coming this way. Flesh-eater herd. A huge one," She laid down, eyes half closed and drool dripping from her jaws. Baffled, I growled, "What? Who would you have talked to that would know such a thing?" I narrowed my eyes at the she-cat and then took a step toward her. Her eyes went round and she sat up, realizing what she had said.

"I don't know when, but I know there are flesh-eaters coming. Flesh-eaters of all sorts." Eclipse murmured, shrinking away. I shoved my muzzle into her face.

"And why didn't you tell us sooner?" I snapped, baring my teeth. "We could have been on our way by now, and Squirreltail might not have injured herself!" 

Redfur sat up in his nest, grooming his thick pelt. In between licks, he reassured me in a low voice, "Calm down. We still have time." I kept my gaze locked with Eclipses' yellow eyes. "How do you know this?" I asked, looking the she-cat up and then down.

"Some other kittypets around Twolegplace. It was just after it happened that they mentioned a prophecy." She murmured as her eyes darted from Redfur and then to me. The medicine cat was watching her, too. "We have to leave now. This place is dead anyway," I growled and Lilypatch nodded.

However, Redfur and Poppyheart disagreed. "Squirreltail is in no shape to travel anywhere." Poppyheart argued. "Wake her up. Get Lighteningice, Heatherleg and the four kits up. We have to move before it's too late." I insisted, ignoring their argument. My tail was whipping sharply from side to side.

I watched Poppyheart sigh and pad away toward the queens and their kits. Redfur gently awoke Squirreltail and Heatherleg while I just stood back and waited. The three kits squealed and stirred, angry to be woken up.

"Which way are the flesh-eaters coming?" I turned my sharp gaze to Eclipse, my voice demanding. "Wh-what?" She mumbled, blinking up at me with confusion clouding her yellow eyes. Rolling my eyes, I repeated through clenched teeth, "Which way are the herd of flesh-eaters coming?" 

Eclipse gave me a confused look, like she had no sweet clue what I was trying to ask. "Which way? Herd?" She echoed and then as she stood up, her eyes went round. "Oh! They were said to come west. Up hill of the gorge. They could come from anywhere though..." Eclipse mewed, giving her chest fur a few embarrassed licks. She then fluffed out her fur and watched Lilypatch and I exchange worried glances.

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